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Saturday 31 March 2012

SEROXAT must be removed from market before media can highlight other SSRI - stated FIDDAMAN

It's pretty obvious really, well to me at least. If Seroxat was pulled from the market it would raise concerns about other SSRi's, concerns that are only raised by campaigners and get very little coverage in the mainstream media. Seroxat seems to be the daddy of all SSRi's, the Coca Cola of the soft drinks world. Remove it from the market and the mainstream media would probably focus on the next SSRi.

I can see no benefit of Seroxat, none whatsoever. The longer it remains on the market will mean countless suffering for people on other SSRi's. Once removed, it will open the doors for other SSRi's to be thoroughly investigated and maybe other bloggers, campaigners, advocates can start banging the drum and asking the regulator about Prozac, Zoloft and other SSRi related drugs.

source -

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