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Friday 5 December 2008

Obsessive, harassing & slandering "Paxil Activists" Gary & Shelley Hart - dope their children on Paxil & Risperdal !

Your children are also on Paxil. How did that become to be?
My son stating obsessing over grades at school and stated that he was anxious at his new school. He said he was having thoughts of killing himself but he was “too scared to do it”. I took him to our family physician that gave him a “test” and said he was depressed. He started him on Paxil “since it seemed to be working so great on the rest of the family, it would probably work great on him” He started the Paxil and within months began to self-mutilate and was hospitalized in a psychiatric care facility where his Paxil was increased and he was started on another medication, Risperdal which would “hopefully” have a synergistic effect and help the Paxil work better.
My daughter started having anxiety attacks at school. She too was given a test and put on Paxil “since it was working so great on the family”. After a month she said she wasn’t getting better but felt worse but slowly she stated she thought the pills might be working. After seeing me go through my withdrawal she said she was scared to death to go off the medication and wanted to be on it forever. Both children remain on the medication.

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