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Saturday 19 November 2011

Marla Filidei - Report on Psychiatric Drugs and Children Who Kill - made up day after Columbine - FIDDAMAN

extract -

Marla Filidei talked with me about her involvment in the CNN interview and about the "study on violence" as well.

This "study" turns out to not be a study after all, but a report titled "The Interim Report on Psychiatric Drugs and Children Who Kill". Ms. Filidei put the report together the day after the Columbine Shootings in response to media interest in the fact that Eric Harris - one of the killers - had been taking Luvox. Also according to Filidei, the "research" for the report is "date coincident". The killers killed only after they had started taking the medications.

In other words, for Ms. Filidei, it was a simple logical deduction: These children killed other students. These children had been prescribed psychotropic drugs. Therefore, the drug is the connection.

The report costs $3.00 and is available through CCHR.

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