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Wednesday 6 April 2011

Seroxat campaign backfires - people who could help others were banned by moderators who include Bob Fiddaman & Derek Scott

extract from

...has backfired on the hundreds of people who were succoured into and did turn to the SUG and associated groups for support. What about those who swapped from Seroxat to another drug in the class believing they were safe? The millions who are now taking other drugs in the SSRI, SNRI drug class?

.....core Seroxat activists –-as I have explained before and they continue to demonstrate-- have had their own agenda from the onset … don't you think it strange that none of those who were very actively involved in the campaign and the SUG groups who are now blogging - purporting to be patient advocates speaking out against all drugs in the class and writing books - don't talk about their pre Blog days, the campaign and their activities on groups – perhaps the following will explain why ….

Lorraine, an active member of Derek Scotts SUG group was swapped from Seroxat to Lustral (sertraline) by her Gp so she posted to the group asking for advice; Scott's was a busy "support" group – April 2004 there were 1712 post, an average of 57 posts a day - 3 moderators and himself controlling it, all unemployed and usually on the group all day - yet the only reply she received was from another member Kevin, quoted above information and my initial response - see below

....waited to see if anyone would actually post advice or a cautionary warning …. 4 hours later concerned that Lorraine might swap thinking as no advice was forthcoming it would be safe to do so - I posted the following …

result was banned.

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