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Monday 11 April 2011

Fiddaman Is Using Anonymous Proxy Servers - why? Why does a person who claimed to be a patient advocate use Proxy Servers

Fiddaman Is Using Anonymous Proxy Servers

It could have been a year ago when Bob Fiddaman downloaded a keylogger file to his computer. Why he downloaded it to his own computer remains a mystery.
It appears that Bob Fiddaman uses cheap anonymous proxy servers to upload fake profiles on Bebo and other social networking sites. He also uses them to stalk his victims websites and blogs - So that he can scream "victim" when he's the culprit.

The cheap anonymous proxy server leaks data. We could go into the long winded explanation of how this happens but that would give Bob Fiddaman an opportunity to correct the problem. We don't want to do that.

Thousands of pages worth of anything Bob Fiddaman typed on his computer was leaked to the world wide web, and because it was encrypted Bob Fiddaman would never have been able to locate that data. We found it.

For two weeks the data has been unencrypted, one page at a time, and read. We intend on publishing parts of that data to prove that Bob Fiddaman is not a victim. We intend to use that data to prove our allegations.

Bob Fiddaman is aware that we have captured this data. Inspite of it, Bob Fiddaman continues to use anonymous proxy servers that continue to leak more data.

We would like to congratulate Bob Fiddaman for being a man with no self control. It has made this process much easier.

Bob Fiddaman should be warned that this data will be published to the web once its fully encrypted and names have been redacted. We will be uploading on a dedicated server that we control.

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