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Monday 4 April 2011

GlaxoSmithKline does not take Bob Fiddaman seriously. If they did they would have paid him off by now. - Think people!!

from -

"Bob Fiddaman is sending emails and text messages to inform his friends this blog was created by his stalkers. It was not. Bob Fiddaman has also attempted to convince his fans that anyone speaking out against him is paid by GlaxoSmithKline. Bob is intentionally twisting facts to confuse you. Bob is not the great threat he thinks he is. GlaxoSmithKline does not take Bob Fiddaman seriously. If they did they would have paid him off by now. Think people!!    "

Photograph of "disabled" Bob Fiddaman in Bangkok

I AM NOT out of a job - I am facing an employment tribunal against my

employers who cannot find work for me because of my (Ahem) disability. Slob?
I probably have to agree with you on that one though it is hard to get
motivated when you are going through traumatic times such as I.

You don't have to be confined to a wheelchair to be classed as disabled! I

never knew such narrow - minded people still existed.
I have osteoarthritis of both hips - my employer, Land Rover, cannot/will
not find me alternative work nor make reasonable adjustments to the
I can walk as good as the rest of 'em though it does cause discomfort.

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