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Tuesday 27 January 2009

Furious Seasons -is Philip Dawdy's need to feed his ego, or his wallet, more important than getting the Zyprexa story over?

Furious Seasons: "Why I Won't Help Reporters, Authors Any Longer"


What torques me, however, is that the article makes no mention whatsoever of this site or the Zyprexa documents or of me, according to three people who've read the article already. Last August, I got an email from Wallace-Wells, a contributing writer at the magazine, soliciting my help as a source for his article on the "social history" of the atypicals. A few days later, he and I spent quite a bit of time on the phone and I did a complete brain dump on the atypicals, their history and development, the Zyprexa documents, the Zyprexa scandal, issues around mental health, issues around doctors handing these drugs out willy-nilly to adults and children, the FDA, my experiences

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