Seroxat is also known as Paxil and Aropax. Blog exposes Bob Fiddaman Human rights abuser who won two SCIENTOLOGY CCHR (human rights!) awards.
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Sunday, 30 November 2008
David Miscavige announces L Ron Hubbard committed suicide
David Miscavige announces L Ron Hubbard committed suicide 1
David Miscavige announces L Ron Hubbard committed suicide 2
International Association of Scientologists (IAS) 2007
The International Association of Scientologists (IAS) is an ‘umbrella’ organisation that was formed in October 1984 at St Hill Manor, near East Grinstead in West Sussex, England. It’s stated purpose is to unite Scientologists and to protect the Scientology ‘religion’. Nowadays, it appears to primarily exist as a fund raising and distributing organisation. All Scientologists are expected to join by making financial contributions. Members are recognised by different levels or ‘statuses’ according to how much they donate to the IAS. The donation levels required to achieve each status start at a couple of thousand dollars (US) and go up to about 10 million! I say ‘about’ as the IAS rather coyly no longer publishes how much each status costs. Perhaps the huge sums they have been extracting from celebrities and other wealthy people have become embarrassing?
So, each October, an event is held next to the castle at St Hill. There is a field at the back of the castle, where a very large marquee is erected. Apparently, this marquee is the biggest available and covers an area roughly the size of a football pitch. I would estimate that around 8,000 Scientologists attend this event each year.
As you can see, I was very near the front of the seating, which gave me a very good view of proceedings. I had read that most, if not all the international management strata, apart from DM, had been declared. So, I was eagerly looking out for all these ‘SPs’, to see if they were under guard.
However, I did not see one of the senior execs that were familiar to me. So, no Guillaume Lesevre, Heber Jentzsch, Ray Mithoff, Marc Yager, Peter Schless, Norman Starkey, Mark Ingber, Janet McLaughlin, Kurt Weiland etc. This was unheard of, as these people would normally be sat in the front row and very visible.
My conclusion is, that after Mike Rinder blew while in the UK, DM did not dare to allow any of the guys from the SP Hall out of the country. He couldn’t afford to risk any more leaving.
Also, several days after the event, I asked some of the staff at St Hill, if they had seen any of these people. In previous years, it was very common to see people such as Lesevre, Yager, Mithoff around the org buildings doing inspections and even running seminars. No one that I spoke to, had seen any of them. But the funny thing was, none of them had even wondered why these people were missing!
And, even more remarkably, during the event, you would normally have DM hand over to various other guys such as Jentzsch, Lesevre, Rinder etc to introduce happenings in their areas of responsibility. But, DM single-handedly presented the entire event, all 2 hours or so of it. There were no other presenters allowed onto the stage!
So, even more evidence that he does not trust anyone else.
As far as the event itself, I remember feeling distinctly underwhelmed. DM gave it a big build-up, but I cannot remember anything of any real note. And this was billed as “The night the world changed forever!”. Talk about BS!
Your foe's foe is not necessarily your friend and I hope you are willing to consider that maybe you are making a mistake in promoting their material.
I share an unease with big pharma with you guys, but Scientology is just so shudderingly scary. Their fundamentalist fight against 'phychs' is one proponent of their cultic behavior.
If you google for 'IAS event 2007' you'll find videos about a big Scientology event where they show videos with texts such as 'obliterate psychiatry' on a background of images of exploding handgranates.
Why the zealousness? It is explained in the document you will find when you Google 'False purpose rundown wikileaks'. This leaked document is a high level course. In it, Hubbard talks about this great discovery he has made: 20% of the entire population is psychotic (including journalists and government people). The reason is that they have 'overts' - undiscovered crimes - which are directly or indirectly the fault of psychiatrists.
So psychiatrists are at fault of everything bad in this world according to Scientology? Even, say, 9/11? Of course not...that would paranoid wouldn't it?
Well....a few weeks ago the worldwide head of the branch of Scientology fighting 'psychs' (the CCHR) was on Swedish television explaining that 'psychs' ARE responsible for 9/11. After all, the right hand man of bin Laden, used to study psychiatry. QED isn't it?
The two points I'm trying to make:
1) I wish they would abolish the patent system for drugs and medicine. A very rewarding lump sum award for developing a cure for diseases would be a far better incentive system. It would be on developing cures, rather than on selling them.
2) Scientology is far, far more scarier than you could possibly imagaine.
Please keep number 2) in mind when you are arguing against the current drug system. I am just a random critic of Scientology (not the jeremy guy you linked to) but I really hope you are willing to reconsider whether you wish to use the CCHR material. Your foe's foe is not necessarily your friend and I hope you are willing to consider that maybe you are making a mistake in promoting their material.
Thank you for your attention,
1:36 PM
I share an unease with big pharma with you guys, but Scientology is just so shudderingly scary. Their fundamentalist fight against 'phychs' is one proponent of their cultic behavior.
If you google for 'IAS event 2007' you'll find videos about a big Scientology event where they show videos with texts such as 'obliterate psychiatry' on a background of images of exploding handgranates.
Why the zealousness? It is explained in the document you will find when you Google 'False purpose rundown wikileaks'. This leaked document is a high level course. In it, Hubbard talks about this great discovery he has made: 20% of the entire population is psychotic (including journalists and government people). The reason is that they have 'overts' - undiscovered crimes - which are directly or indirectly the fault of psychiatrists.
So psychiatrists are at fault of everything bad in this world according to Scientology? Even, say, 9/11? Of course not...that would paranoid wouldn't it?
Well....a few weeks ago the worldwide head of the branch of Scientology fighting 'psychs' (the CCHR) was on Swedish television explaining that 'psychs' ARE responsible for 9/11. After all, the right hand man of bin Laden, used to study psychiatry. QED isn't it?
The two points I'm trying to make:
1) I wish they would abolish the patent system for drugs and medicine. A very rewarding lump sum award for developing a cure for diseases would be a far better incentive system. It would be on developing cures, rather than on selling them.
2) Scientology is far, far more scarier than you could possibly imagaine.
Please keep number 2) in mind when you are arguing against the current drug system. I am just a random critic of Scientology (not the jeremy guy you linked to) but I really hope you are willing to reconsider whether you wish to use the CCHR material. Your foe's foe is not necessarily your friend and I hope you are willing to consider that maybe you are making a mistake in promoting their material.
Thank you for your attention,
1:36 PM
Fiddaman confirms that GSK's Seroxat really does help some people - joining Derek Scott with his pro antidepressant views !!
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Smilin Scott seroxat ds010z5045. Does not want to stop treatment with a doctor.
Smilin Scott seroxat ds010z5045. Does not want to stop treatment with a doctor. An imprint of dreading the future. Does anyone who is a mantra from the part ... - 19k
Smilin Scott seroxat ds010z5045. Does not want to stop treatment with a doctor. An imprint of dreading the future. Does anyone who is a mantra from the part ... - 19k
Friday, 28 November 2008
uksurvivors mssg 39685 -- Lady Margaret McNair to Jeremy Bryce
uksurvivors : Message: Lady Margaret McNair to Jeremy Bryce
Derek Scott said - Paxil helped him for "weight gain" & relieved his "cystic acne" - however older drugs better
Re: PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health
Lol, no I totally agree with you that these drugs cause horrendous problems for
a lot of people(myself included), but in some cases also 'relieve' not cure!
underlying problems, leaving the illness unresolved in most cases. I was merely
pointing out that the weight gain in my case was beneficial because I was
underweight. Paxil has also helped relieve the cystic acne. I know this
because when I tried to reduce the dose due to serotonin syndrome it got worse,as did the side effects/withdrawal symptoms.
One more thing lol, they should be fricken banned for new potential users, and newer drugs or older drugs with less severe side effects used.
Re: PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health
Lol, no I totally agree with you that these drugs cause horrendous problems for
a lot of people(myself included), but in some cases also 'relieve' not cure!
underlying problems, leaving the illness unresolved in most cases. I was merely
pointing out that the weight gain in my case was beneficial because I was
underweight. Paxil has also helped relieve the cystic acne. I know this
because when I tried to reduce the dose due to serotonin syndrome it got worse,as did the side effects/withdrawal symptoms.
One more thing lol, they should be fricken banned for new potential users, and newer drugs or older drugs with less severe side effects used.
Derek Scott (of the Online Seroxat Support Group) said "there is no evidence (that I have seen lol) that Paxil for example causes damage to the fetus"
Lol, the SSRI drugs dont 'always' cause sexual problems, and some people may be
at the stage in life when they are no longer interested, so the drugs might be
of benefit. To date there is no evidence (that I have seen lol) that Paxil for example causes damage to the fetus, however there is evidence of severe withdrawal symptoms follwing birth for the first few weeks so....... lol more studies are required in that area, and the drugs not used during pregnancy until they are proven safe. I just thought you might be interested in the article,why I posted it :P
It wasn't meant as pro drug use, simply that these drugs can
benefit 'some people'.
Lol, the SSRI drugs dont 'always' cause sexual problems, and some people may be
at the stage in life when they are no longer interested, so the drugs might be
of benefit. To date there is no evidence (that I have seen lol) that Paxil for example causes damage to the fetus, however there is evidence of severe withdrawal symptoms follwing birth for the first few weeks so....... lol more studies are required in that area, and the drugs not used during pregnancy until they are proven safe. I just thought you might be interested in the article,why I posted it :P
It wasn't meant as pro drug use, simply that these drugs can
benefit 'some people'.
(then) moderator of Prozacawareness says Derek Scott - "brain washed by the industry of the pharma lords"
PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health
Finally I have a bone to pick with you... these killer drugs have
never cured anything...never C U R E D any thing... they only mask
and supposedly relieve symptoms...but in reality, they create more
side effects than they mask in many people and the long lasting
effects are potentially life lasting.... can you imagine if the 3
million people who have taken this 'scheisse' all have flash backs
and/or memory problems with this stuff and produce off spring with
impared brain function..... Oh my GOD, I can not even image the world
in 50 years.... se dear, you too, in your university studies has also
been brain washed by the industry of the pharma lords.... these drugs
CURE nothing sorry to jump down your throat....hugs Joey
PS not attacking you, don't get all rattled, just educating someone
PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health
Finally I have a bone to pick with you... these killer drugs have
never cured anything...never C U R E D any thing... they only mask
and supposedly relieve symptoms...but in reality, they create more
side effects than they mask in many people and the long lasting
effects are potentially life lasting.... can you imagine if the 3
million people who have taken this 'scheisse' all have flash backs
and/or memory problems with this stuff and produce off spring with
impared brain function..... Oh my GOD, I can not even image the world
in 50 years.... se dear, you too, in your university studies has also
been brain washed by the industry of the pharma lords.... these drugs
CURE nothing sorry to jump down your throat....hugs Joey
PS not attacking you, don't get all rattled, just educating someone
"Making a Killing"- direct link to source of Making a Killing, which is self-evidently Scientology / CCHR
"We gave 'em the old cold steel, they don't like it up'em."'
"Derek will just shut his mouth in future about more positive uses for SSRI's, despite there being evidence" -
I have backed myself up for posting that article in a previous post, so Im
gonna leave it at that :P
Poor Derek will just shut his mouth in future about more positive uses for
SSRI's, despite there being evidence in various journal articles that indicates
that there is.Derek.
I have backed myself up for posting that article in a previous post, so Im
gonna leave it at that :P
Poor Derek will just shut his mouth in future about more positive uses for
SSRI's, despite there being evidence in various journal articles that indicates
that there is.Derek.
In praise of SSRI's - Derek gains weight which he claims was of benefit to him !
--- In PROZACAWARENESS@y..., "Derek Scott" wrote:
> A lot of people gain weight on SSRI's, me included lol, but in my
case it was of benefit, because the anxiety disorder had meant that I
was using up huge amounts of energy during panic attacks etc.
Once the depression/anxiety has been cured either by the SSRI medication
or in combination with CBT(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)the weight
will remain because...there is no longer the energy consuming
anxiety/depression that you had before you went on the medication.
The medication treated the depression/anxiety, meaning that you would
increase in body mass as a result, and this would continue even after
stopping the medication.
> Derek.
> A lot of people gain weight on SSRI's, me included lol, but in my
case it was of benefit, because the anxiety disorder had meant that I
was using up huge amounts of energy during panic attacks etc.
Once the depression/anxiety has been cured either by the SSRI medication
or in combination with CBT(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)the weight
will remain because...there is no longer the energy consuming
anxiety/depression that you had before you went on the medication.
The medication treated the depression/anxiety, meaning that you would
increase in body mass as a result, and this would continue even after
stopping the medication.
> Derek.
@ mssg 18313 Prozac awareness Derek Scott explains why he posted the article @ 18312
Re: PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health
I posted that last article, because I was remembering a class I had last year in
psychopathology about the inverse relationship of Serotonin and Testosterone.
Young people who suffer from conduct disorder, and the majority of criminals in
jail have a high serotonin level and low testosterone level, and I dont know if
you've noticed, these teenagers are very often sexually active sooner as a
consequence, and girls of the same age appear to find this behaviour attractive
or desirable, or maybe they just release more copious amouts of pheromones lol.
That got me thinking heh, if people with conduct disorder have high levels of
serotonin, then one can conclude that to mean that untreated depressed people,
or mixed depression/anxiety disordered people will be likely to have a low level
of the neurotransmitter Serotonin, and probably higher Testosterone levels
(inverted correlation), but that this changes when prescribed SSRI
antidepressants i.e. higher serotonin and lower testosterone (it is as yet
unknown whether or not depressed people have low serotonin/higher testosterone
levels), resulting in low libido, and thus sexual problems (see the article
below) which attempts to coroberate that hypothesis.
Growing evidence links abnormal levels of the brain chemical serotonin to
impulsive aggression, suicide and a wide range ...
etc etc
Re: PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health
I posted that last article, because I was remembering a class I had last year in
psychopathology about the inverse relationship of Serotonin and Testosterone.
Young people who suffer from conduct disorder, and the majority of criminals in
jail have a high serotonin level and low testosterone level, and I dont know if
you've noticed, these teenagers are very often sexually active sooner as a
consequence, and girls of the same age appear to find this behaviour attractive
or desirable, or maybe they just release more copious amouts of pheromones lol.
That got me thinking heh, if people with conduct disorder have high levels of
serotonin, then one can conclude that to mean that untreated depressed people,
or mixed depression/anxiety disordered people will be likely to have a low level
of the neurotransmitter Serotonin, and probably higher Testosterone levels
(inverted correlation), but that this changes when prescribed SSRI
antidepressants i.e. higher serotonin and lower testosterone (it is as yet
unknown whether or not depressed people have low serotonin/higher testosterone
levels), resulting in low libido, and thus sexual problems (see the article
below) which attempts to coroberate that hypothesis.
Growing evidence links abnormal levels of the brain chemical serotonin to
impulsive aggression, suicide and a wide range ...
etc etc
@ mssg 18312 Prozac awareness Derek Scott posted "The role of serotonin in sex steroid-related psychiatric disorders"
The role of serotonin in sex steroid-related psychiatric disorders
Research Projects of the Biological Psychiatry Group (Elias
Eriksson, Agneta Ekman, Christer Nilsson, Charlotta Sundblad, Mikael
Landén, Monika Hellstrand, Lars Westberg, Hoi-Por Ho, Marie
Jonas Melke)
PROJECT A: The role of serotonin in sex steroid-related psychiatric
disorders & the role of sex steroids in serotonin-related disorders
0riginal url -
The role of serotonin in sex steroid-related psychiatric disorders
Research Projects of the Biological Psychiatry Group (Elias
Eriksson, Agneta Ekman, Christer Nilsson, Charlotta Sundblad, Mikael
Landén, Monika Hellstrand, Lars Westberg, Hoi-Por Ho, Marie
Jonas Melke)
PROJECT A: The role of serotonin in sex steroid-related psychiatric
disorders & the role of sex steroids in serotonin-related disorders
0riginal url -
No plans to have Seroxat banned as Derek Scott made a number of recommendations to the MHRA regarding Seroxat information leaflet
From: "Derek Scott"
Date: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:29 pm
Subject: Meeting outcome
The meeting with the MHRA went well and we (Maddie, Janine and her
mum and myself) made a number of recommendations to the MHRA
regarding Seroxat for example that the information leaflet needs to
be radically changed to include for example 'why' alcohol is to be
avoided, rather than stating on the PIL (patient information leaflet)
that it should not be consumed, and for the leaflet to be in plain
english! and not just a lot of confusing medical terms as in previous
attempts. A number of good points were raised and these will be
posted in summary form as and when I get back home from London
tomorrow :) A productive meeting with patients (your) views being
heard for a change!!!
I also included a number of relevant posts including yours Cheryl and
the MHRA SSRI Working Group will be going over them in due course,
and will get back to us with regard todays meeting.
Date: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:29 pm
Subject: Meeting outcome
The meeting with the MHRA went well and we (Maddie, Janine and her
mum and myself) made a number of recommendations to the MHRA
regarding Seroxat for example that the information leaflet needs to
be radically changed to include for example 'why' alcohol is to be
avoided, rather than stating on the PIL (patient information leaflet)
that it should not be consumed, and for the leaflet to be in plain
english! and not just a lot of confusing medical terms as in previous
attempts. A number of good points were raised and these will be
posted in summary form as and when I get back home from London
tomorrow :) A productive meeting with patients (your) views being
heard for a change!!!
I also included a number of relevant posts including yours Cheryl and
the MHRA SSRI Working Group will be going over them in due course,
and will get back to us with regard todays meeting.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Fiddaman called a benefit cheat over on yup Fiddaman reacts with predictable violent threats.
NEW: Tom Hunter - Monday, 26 May 2008, at 8:49 pm
"Britain is supposedly a Christian country, I believe we have never been a Christian country in anything but name!"
Wayne, Britain is one of the most Christian countries in the world. It offers safe haven status to refugees from all corners of the world and it is one of the prime givers to humanitarian projects universally. Think of all the migrants who try to smuggle themselves into this country every year... Now I wonder why that might be????
Part of the Christian philosophy is caring for the needy and sick... think of the unique NHS system, free to all-comers at the point of entry. In fact this Christian outlook gets abused... think of the free-loaders, able-bodied but lazy and gutless people who pretend to be sick and get themselves on sickness benefits so that they can absolve themselves of making a positive contribution to society ( paying taxes to support the elderly and really ill people) and it's usually those shirkers who are the most vociferous in their condemnation of their charitable country, I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
NEW: Bob Fiddaman - Monday, 26 May 2008, at 10:55 pm
I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
Hunter you are one hell of a cunt. I would seriously love to meet you.
OK - Ban me IG - This prick is such a complete and utter wanker and stuck right up his own arse it is untrue.
He bullies women on here then thinks he can get away with personal jibes at me.
Come on Tom - Meet me
New Street station or your neck of the woods - either way I ain't bothered - I'd even sacrifice part of my disability benefit to pay for the train fare.
You utter cunt!
"Britain is supposedly a Christian country, I believe we have never been a Christian country in anything but name!"
Wayne, Britain is one of the most Christian countries in the world. It offers safe haven status to refugees from all corners of the world and it is one of the prime givers to humanitarian projects universally. Think of all the migrants who try to smuggle themselves into this country every year... Now I wonder why that might be????
Part of the Christian philosophy is caring for the needy and sick... think of the unique NHS system, free to all-comers at the point of entry. In fact this Christian outlook gets abused... think of the free-loaders, able-bodied but lazy and gutless people who pretend to be sick and get themselves on sickness benefits so that they can absolve themselves of making a positive contribution to society ( paying taxes to support the elderly and really ill people) and it's usually those shirkers who are the most vociferous in their condemnation of their charitable country, I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
NEW: Bob Fiddaman - Monday, 26 May 2008, at 10:55 pm
I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
Hunter you are one hell of a cunt. I would seriously love to meet you.
OK - Ban me IG - This prick is such a complete and utter wanker and stuck right up his own arse it is untrue.
He bullies women on here then thinks he can get away with personal jibes at me.
Come on Tom - Meet me
New Street station or your neck of the woods - either way I ain't bothered - I'd even sacrifice part of my disability benefit to pay for the train fare.
You utter cunt!
Is there nothing you (Fiddaman) wont stoop to just to make a point?
Re: [uksurvivors] Re: Rowdy Roddy Bryce
You are so far out of order you can't even see yourself any more
Have you no shame?
Is there nothing you wont stoop to just to make a point?
Doubting you have the guts to apologise to Jeremy (let alone your sons), do you not understand it's long past time you stopped this?
And don't say you will after Jeremy does. Whatever he does, you are responsible for yourself
Get on with it man - and get a life, for goodness' sake
uksurvivors : Message: Re: [uksurvivors] Re: Rowdy Roddy Bryce
You are so far out of order you can't even see yourself any more
Have you no shame?
Is there nothing you wont stoop to just to make a point?
Doubting you have the guts to apologise to Jeremy (let alone your sons), do you not understand it's long past time you stopped this?
And don't say you will after Jeremy does. Whatever he does, you are responsible for yourself
Get on with it man - and get a life, for goodness' sake
uksurvivors : Message: Re: [uksurvivors] Re: Rowdy Roddy Bryce
"I intend to blow the lid on the way I have been treated by Rover/Ford" - but this blog blew the LID off Fiddaman !!
T&GWU, Rover and Disability Discrimination
I intend to blow the lid on the way I have been treated by Rover/Ford when my tribunal is heard in January 2002. Then, and only then, will people understand what a bunch of hypocritical bigots are working within Rover/Ford.
I intend to blow the lid on the way I have been treated by Rover/Ford when my tribunal is heard in January 2002. Then, and only then, will people understand what a bunch of hypocritical bigots are working within Rover/Ford.
They're all out to get me claims Bob as - his employer, his trade union, board of Trustees and the Occupational Health ALL discriminate against him !
It is with regret that I have to inform you that I have received treatment of a discriminatory manner during the past two years by Rover/Ford management, T&G Union officials, Rover board of Trustees and the Occupational Health based at Solihull.
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Fiddaman said "I do not know enough about Efexor or any other SSRi apart from Seroxat."
uksurvivors : Message: Re: A message for Bob Fiddaman
see -
see -
.I have been granted a meeting with the MHRA. I will be discussing the Seroxat withdrawal
SEROXAT SUFFERER - STAND UP AND BE MADE ACCOUNTABLE: a reply on the "single issue tub thump" but different to the one he gave on UKsurvivors
I have been granted a meeting with the MHRA. I will be discussing the Seroxat withdrawal issue because that is what I write about. If you want to discuss anything with them why don't you ask for a meeting?
I have been granted a meeting with the MHRA. I will be discussing the Seroxat withdrawal issue because that is what I write about. If you want to discuss anything with them why don't you ask for a meeting?
I am uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's.
SEROXAT SUFFERER - STAND UP AND BE MADE ACCOUNTABLE: well if Fiddaman is uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's - errrrr how does he know Seroxat is the worst ?
It is not my job to discuss SSRi's that I know nothing about.
I am uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's. I cannot be expected to have knowledge of all SSRi's, it's taken me 4 years to educate myself on Paroxetine.
It is not my job to discuss SSRi's that I know nothing about.
I am uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's. I cannot be expected to have knowledge of all SSRi's, it's taken me 4 years to educate myself on Paroxetine.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
the amount of correspondence and haranguing tone of that correspondence indicated that the Appellant was behaving in an obsessive manner
“The number of FOIA requests, the amount of correspondence and haranguing tone of that correspondence indicated that the Appellant was behaving in an obsessive manner. It was apparent that this would, over the relevant period, have caused a significant administrative burden on the Council. The Appellant’s correspondence was difficult to deal with as it was often very long, detailed and overlapping in the sense that he wrote on the same matters to a number of different officers, repeating requests before a response to the preceding one was received……..The Tribunal was of the view that dealing with this correspondence and his requests would have been a significant distraction from its core functions.”
The request can be fairly categorised as obsessive or manifestly unreasonable
The request can be fairly categorised as obsessive or manifestly unreasonable
34. In the Commissioner’s view, the test to apply here is one of reasonableness. In other words, would a reasonable person describe the request(s) as obsessive or manifestly unreasonable? The Commissioner’s guidance suggests that;
‘It will be easier to identify these requests when there has been frequent previous contact with the requester or the request forms part of a pattern, for instance when the same individual submits successive requests for information. Although these requests may not be repeated in the sense that they are requests for the same information, taken together they may form evidence of a pattern of obsessive requests so that an authority may reasonably regard the most recent as vexatious.’
35. The Commissioner is of the view that the number of requests which were addressed to different members of staff at the MHRA along with the complainant’s tendency to repeat and build upon requests in response to replies from the MHRA during the relevant period demonstrate that the complainant was behaving in an obsessive manner. There was no suggestion that these requests would signal the end of this matter, on the contrary, the complainant’s comments that he regards his correspondence with the MHRA as “dialogue, rather than
simple one-off requests for information” supported the view that the complainant considers it within his right to continue to make as many requests as he likes in order to continue his dialogue with the MHRA, regardless of the effect this may have on the MHRA in terms of time, expense and distraction.
34. In the Commissioner’s view, the test to apply here is one of reasonableness. In other words, would a reasonable person describe the request(s) as obsessive or manifestly unreasonable? The Commissioner’s guidance suggests that;
‘It will be easier to identify these requests when there has been frequent previous contact with the requester or the request forms part of a pattern, for instance when the same individual submits successive requests for information. Although these requests may not be repeated in the sense that they are requests for the same information, taken together they may form evidence of a pattern of obsessive requests so that an authority may reasonably regard the most recent as vexatious.’
35. The Commissioner is of the view that the number of requests which were addressed to different members of staff at the MHRA along with the complainant’s tendency to repeat and build upon requests in response to replies from the MHRA during the relevant period demonstrate that the complainant was behaving in an obsessive manner. There was no suggestion that these requests would signal the end of this matter, on the contrary, the complainant’s comments that he regards his correspondence with the MHRA as “dialogue, rather than
simple one-off requests for information” supported the view that the complainant considers it within his right to continue to make as many requests as he likes in order to continue his dialogue with the MHRA, regardless of the effect this may have on the MHRA in terms of time, expense and distraction.
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Section 50) - Decision Notice - Seroxat
On 14 July 2008 the MHRA responded to the Commissioner. It provided another copy of the report of the internal review, a print out of all of the complainant’s freedom of information related emails from 1 February 2007 to 7 March 2008, a print out of all email correspondence (freedom of information related and other correspondence) sent to the MHRA by the complainant between February 2007 and 25 April 2008 and extracts from the complainant’s blog concerning this issue
( It commented further as to why the criteria set out at section 14 of the Act is met in this case.
On 14 July 2008 the MHRA responded to the Commissioner. It provided another copy of the report of the internal review, a print out of all of the complainant’s freedom of information related emails from 1 February 2007 to 7 March 2008, a print out of all email correspondence (freedom of information related and other correspondence) sent to the MHRA by the complainant between February 2007 and 25 April 2008 and extracts from the complainant’s blog concerning this issue
( It commented further as to why the criteria set out at section 14 of the Act is met in this case.
friend of GSK (ugh!!!), Bob Fiddaman confirms Seroxat helps some people. Is that why he took it for 54 months without complaint?
Pro Electroconvulsive therapy Dr Healy to - "follow his own scientific instincts, regardless of whom he offends"

As for Dr. Healy himself, he says he will continue to write and practice, traveling to lecture several times a year. He will also continue to follow his own scientific instincts, regardless of whom he offends. A new book, written with Dr. Shorter, is likely to alienate psychiatry's critics by defending one of psychiatry's most controversial treatments, electroshock therapy.
David Healy - Self Effacing Scholar Is Psychiatry's Gadfly - NYT
great minds think alike - Mark Harvey says he has never called for Seroxat to be withdrawn

Glaxo faces threat of UK class action over Seroxat - Business News, Business - The Independent
Mr Harvey says he has never called for Seroxat to be withdrawn. "It's a question of proper, informed choice. If doctors and patients are told the risks involved they can make an informed choice about whether to use the drug or not."
great minds think alike - Fiddaman says (Seroxat) - "Yes, it helps some people"
.jpg)
What's better than Aropax or Prozac? :: WHO backed up alternative treatment for depression :: Acupuncture
source -
Seroxat is "the right drug" for some and that he (Healy) uses it to treat people.

Seroxat is "the right drug" for some and that he uses it to treat people. "The key thing is to let people know that during the first weeks of treatment they may begin to feel worse and that it may be caused by the drugs they are on,"
uks msg 39367- Prof David Healy does NOT want Seroxat banned for adults.
uksurvivors : Message: Prof David Healy does NOT want Seroxat banned
not everyone agrees that Seroxat should also be banned for adults. David Healy, an expert on antidepressants and consultant psychiatrist at the University of Wales' College of Medicine, believes that rather than being banned, the drug should come with better warnings. He says that Seroxat is "the right drug" for some and that he uses it to treat people. "The key thing is to let people know that during the first weeks of treatment they may begin to feel worse and that it may be caused by the drugs they are on," he says.
not everyone agrees that Seroxat should also be banned for adults. David Healy, an expert on antidepressants and consultant psychiatrist at the University of Wales' College of Medicine, believes that rather than being banned, the drug should come with better warnings. He says that Seroxat is "the right drug" for some and that he uses it to treat people. "The key thing is to let people know that during the first weeks of treatment they may begin to feel worse and that it may be caused by the drugs they are on," he says.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
David Healy, who charged each seroxat litigant £500 for reading their notes believes - "electroconvulsive therapy is incredibly effective"
Why shock therapy deserves its mini-revival. - By Barron H. Lerner - Slate Magazine
source -
Shorter is a historian who has written extensively on psychiatry, and Healy is a psychiatrist who has been highly critical of the marketing of psychopharmacological drugs. They believe that electroconvulsive therapy is incredibly effective.
source -
Shorter is a historian who has written extensively on psychiatry, and Healy is a psychiatrist who has been highly critical of the marketing of psychopharmacological drugs. They believe that electroconvulsive therapy is incredibly effective.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Seroxat User domains no longer functioning -
source - Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006 Deleted Jun 02, 2006
SEROXAT SUFFERER - STAND UP AND BE MADE ACCOUNTABLE: MHRA was aware that Fiddaman had very good support from his doctor"
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Bob Fiddaman Seroxat campaigner said "Yes, it helps some people" - is that why he took it for 54 months without complaint ?
Yes, it helps some people but more and more people are coming forward now with their horror stories.
Anyway, enough of the chat.
Anyway, enough of the chat.
Fiddaman took seroxat without complaint for 54 months - after going cold turkey he only suffered for 3 months
I know - I was on it for 6 years - try to wean off it for 18 months until eventually going cold turkey - that was actually the worst three months of my life but I had made the decision that it was not going to run my life anymore.
cache of source - Fiddy said...
First I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Bob Fiddaman and I live in the UK. For sometime now I’ve been campaigning here in the UK regarding the dangers of Seroxat (Known as Aropax in Aus/NZ)
My blog, Seroxat Sufferers, Stand Up and Be Counted, blows the lid on the corrupt activities between the makers of Aropax, Glaxosmithkline, and the Medicines Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Researching this I have noticed that Australian and New Zealand citizens are, in the main, completely unaware of what is exactly going on here in the UK regarding this drug.
It’s really time for you all to stand up and be counted and to make noises regarding the suppression of the clinical trails for Aropax. Only a few years ago did the MHRA ban Aropax in the use of chilsdren and as I understand it, Aropax is still being prescribed to children in Australia/New Zealand. I find this appalling. We, a group of campaigners, are pushing for the drug to be banned completely as collectively we have all found evidence that Glaxosmithkline also suppressed the adult clinical trial evidence.The side effects of this drug can be debilitating, I know - I was on it for 6 years - try to wean off it for 18 months until eventually going cold turkey - that was actually the worst three months of my life but I had made the decision that it was not going to run my life anymore.
Read the articles on my blog from your average Joe, hear stories of the4 zaps, the suicidal thoughts, the homicidal thoughts, the feeling of helplessness and lack of empathy toward others. Watch videos and see or at least judge for yourselves if Glaxosmithkline are lying.
I want the Australian and New Zealand citizens to start making some noise regarding this antidepressant - your government is keeping you pretty much in the dark about the dangers of this drug.
Yes, it helps some people but more and more people are coming forward now with their horror stories.
Anyway, enough of the chat.
Pay my site a visit, it’s already being monitored by GSK and the MHRA - They can’t do anything about it because it will highlight the cause. You will be astounded at the correspondence I have had with the MHRA and receently they have actually tried to gag me by throwing a copyright act in the mails they send me. Bit I refuse to bow down to this bullying. The public have a right to know exactly what is going on with the prescribed drugs we take.
I genuinely want the people of Australia and New Zealand to jump on board and to ask and pester doctors and healthcare professionals. Why not start your own blog and help spread the word that way?
Everyone deserves proper healthcare - Aropax, as we know it can be fatal.
Thank you for the rant and I hope to hear from you should you wish to pay a visit to my blog.
I can be contacted at and my blog can be found at
I look forward to hearing from you
Bob Fiddaman, UK
11:50 AM
Post a Comment
cache of source - Fiddy said...
First I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Bob Fiddaman and I live in the UK. For sometime now I’ve been campaigning here in the UK regarding the dangers of Seroxat (Known as Aropax in Aus/NZ)
My blog, Seroxat Sufferers, Stand Up and Be Counted, blows the lid on the corrupt activities between the makers of Aropax, Glaxosmithkline, and the Medicines Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Researching this I have noticed that Australian and New Zealand citizens are, in the main, completely unaware of what is exactly going on here in the UK regarding this drug.
It’s really time for you all to stand up and be counted and to make noises regarding the suppression of the clinical trails for Aropax. Only a few years ago did the MHRA ban Aropax in the use of chilsdren and as I understand it, Aropax is still being prescribed to children in Australia/New Zealand. I find this appalling. We, a group of campaigners, are pushing for the drug to be banned completely as collectively we have all found evidence that Glaxosmithkline also suppressed the adult clinical trial evidence.The side effects of this drug can be debilitating, I know - I was on it for 6 years - try to wean off it for 18 months until eventually going cold turkey - that was actually the worst three months of my life but I had made the decision that it was not going to run my life anymore.
Read the articles on my blog from your average Joe, hear stories of the4 zaps, the suicidal thoughts, the homicidal thoughts, the feeling of helplessness and lack of empathy toward others. Watch videos and see or at least judge for yourselves if Glaxosmithkline are lying.
I want the Australian and New Zealand citizens to start making some noise regarding this antidepressant - your government is keeping you pretty much in the dark about the dangers of this drug.
Yes, it helps some people but more and more people are coming forward now with their horror stories.
Anyway, enough of the chat.
Pay my site a visit, it’s already being monitored by GSK and the MHRA - They can’t do anything about it because it will highlight the cause. You will be astounded at the correspondence I have had with the MHRA and receently they have actually tried to gag me by throwing a copyright act in the mails they send me. Bit I refuse to bow down to this bullying. The public have a right to know exactly what is going on with the prescribed drugs we take.
I genuinely want the people of Australia and New Zealand to jump on board and to ask and pester doctors and healthcare professionals. Why not start your own blog and help spread the word that way?
Everyone deserves proper healthcare - Aropax, as we know it can be fatal.
Thank you for the rant and I hope to hear from you should you wish to pay a visit to my blog.
I can be contacted at and my blog can be found at
I look forward to hearing from you
Bob Fiddaman, UK
11:50 AM
Post a Comment
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
you've gone very quiet "Audrey" no posts since Sept 2008 - does this mean there is no such thing as Scientific Misconduct anymore?
Monday, 17 November 2008
Aubrey Blumsohn's bung & gag agreement
BS Standard Front Sheet
9.2 The Employee and the Employer agree that they will not, directly or indirectly, make any detrimental or derogatory statements about matters concerning the Employee’s employment with the Employer or its termination. The Employee confirms that he will not make any detrimental or derogatory statements to any third party, including the press, about any of the Employer's directors, officers or employees, including but not limited to Professor A Weetman, Professor P Fleming, Ms R Valerio, Professor R Eastell (except the Employee may make comment in relation to the issues raised in connection with Proctor and Gamble), Professor P Hellewell, Professor R Boucher, Dr a aaaaaa and Dr J Clowes (except that the Employer understands the Employee may pursue a pending legal action against Dr Clowes). Both parties will deal with any media interest in a factual and responsible manner. Nothing in this clause shall fetter the Employer’s or the Employee’s obligation to give full disclosure as required by law or by a statutory or regulatory authority or body.
9.3 The Employer confirms that it has no current intention to report the Employee to the General Medical Council (“GMC”). The Employee confirms that he has no current intention to make or support any new referrals to the GMC in respect of any of the Employer’s directors, officers or employees
9.2 The Employee and the Employer agree that they will not, directly or indirectly, make any detrimental or derogatory statements about matters concerning the Employee’s employment with the Employer or its termination. The Employee confirms that he will not make any detrimental or derogatory statements to any third party, including the press, about any of the Employer's directors, officers or employees, including but not limited to Professor A Weetman, Professor P Fleming, Ms R Valerio, Professor R Eastell (except the Employee may make comment in relation to the issues raised in connection with Proctor and Gamble), Professor P Hellewell, Professor R Boucher, Dr a aaaaaa and Dr J Clowes (except that the Employer understands the Employee may pursue a pending legal action against Dr Clowes). Both parties will deal with any media interest in a factual and responsible manner. Nothing in this clause shall fetter the Employer’s or the Employee’s obligation to give full disclosure as required by law or by a statutory or regulatory authority or body.
9.3 The Employer confirms that it has no current intention to report the Employee to the General Medical Council (“GMC”). The Employee confirms that he has no current intention to make or support any new referrals to the GMC in respect of any of the Employer’s directors, officers or employees
Aubrey Blumsohn - received six-figure payment to settle his differences with Sheffield Uni..
Times Higher Education - Payout in P&G drug data row§ioncode=26
It is believed that Aubrey Blumsohn, who has parted company with the university, has received a six-figure payment to settle his differences with Sheffield. Both parties refused to provide details about the terms of the deal. Dr Blumsohn, who declined to comment, had earlier rejected an offer from Sheffield of £145,000, including £25,000 compensation for injury to feelings, because it included an extensive gagging clause.§ioncode=26
It is believed that Aubrey Blumsohn, who has parted company with the university, has received a six-figure payment to settle his differences with Sheffield. Both parties refused to provide details about the terms of the deal. Dr Blumsohn, who declined to comment, had earlier rejected an offer from Sheffield of £145,000, including £25,000 compensation for injury to feelings, because it included an extensive gagging clause.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
£50 million blown in lawyer & expert witness fees - yet Benzodiazepine Litigation clients got stuff all !!
House of Commons - Health - Minutes of Evidence
16. In 1993-94 the Benzodiazepine Litigation ended owing to the withdrawal of Legal Aid Board funding. Over £50 million pounds was spent on legal aid and by the drug companies. Since this event the number of prescriptions for all Sedative/Hypnotic drugs has increased by several per cent overall, and that for Valium has increased by 15 per cent (1994-97). The prescribing of the new Sedative/Hypnotic drugs Zolpidem and Zopiclone, which act on the Benzodiazepine receptors has risen dramatically and is now about two million per year. It is very significant that the number of adverse reactions (No/yr/106 pres.) reported for these drugs is very much greater (x100) than for any of the Benzodiazepines. This coincides with many reports to support groups of dependency on these drugs. It appears that the lessons of history have not been learnt and there is an additional dependency epidemic in the making.
16. In 1993-94 the Benzodiazepine Litigation ended owing to the withdrawal of Legal Aid Board funding. Over £50 million pounds was spent on legal aid and by the drug companies. Since this event the number of prescriptions for all Sedative/Hypnotic drugs has increased by several per cent overall, and that for Valium has increased by 15 per cent (1994-97). The prescribing of the new Sedative/Hypnotic drugs Zolpidem and Zopiclone, which act on the Benzodiazepine receptors has risen dramatically and is now about two million per year. It is very significant that the number of adverse reactions (No/yr/106 pres.) reported for these drugs is very much greater (x100) than for any of the Benzodiazepines. This coincides with many reports to support groups of dependency on these drugs. It appears that the lessons of history have not been learnt and there is an additional dependency epidemic in the making.
Shark feeding frenzy - 2000 UK law firms dined out on legal aid budget, before the plug pulled on benzodiazepine litigation. Clients got fuck all !!
extract -
From the late 1980s and early 1990s, consumers no longer accepted
drug injuries as inevitable risks of medical treatment. Following the Opren
litigation, during which the regulators had formed an ‘alliance’ with the manufacturer,
consumers increasingly looked to the courts, rather than the regulatory
state, to settle their grievances with pharmaceutical companies, while lawyers
responded by moving into medical negligence (Dingwell et al., 1991). In 1988
another major legal action in the UK began on behalf of several hundred
patients claiming compensation for dependence on the benzodiazepine, Ativan
(Medawar, 1992: 183). By 1994, 17,000 claimants and 2000 law firms in the
UK, assisted by the Tranquillizer Action Group, were involved in litigation
against manufacturers of several benzodiazepines due to alleged drug injury
(Dyer, 1994).
These legal cases probed deeply into the quality of the medical science
underpinning the drugs’ development by the pharmaceutical companies and
their regulation by expert government scientists. Consumer organizations
fundamentally challenged the conflicts of interest of expert scientists advising
the regulatory authorities. For example, the Chairman of the CSM at the time
of the Opren controversy had previously advised Eli Lilly on clinical trials with
the drug and within one week the Head of the British drug regulatory authority
became the Director of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical
Industry (ABPI) (Anon, 1984; Grasham, 1985; House of Commons, 1985:
1142). In this respect, Gabe and Bury (1996) and Giddens (1990) are right to
argue that this is a reflection of social challenges to medical dominance and the
growing contestability of expert knowledge. This is, however, related to a
deeper cause, that is, the mismatch that developed between the citizenship conceptualized
when these regulatory states were established and that which has
come to be envisaged by consumers since the mid-1980s. Indeed, such challenges
can be regarded as the consumerist expression of citizenship rights to
security in health, which the state was supposed to provide after Thalidomide.
extract -
From the late 1980s and early 1990s, consumers no longer accepted
drug injuries as inevitable risks of medical treatment. Following the Opren
litigation, during which the regulators had formed an ‘alliance’ with the manufacturer,
consumers increasingly looked to the courts, rather than the regulatory
state, to settle their grievances with pharmaceutical companies, while lawyers
responded by moving into medical negligence (Dingwell et al., 1991). In 1988
another major legal action in the UK began on behalf of several hundred
patients claiming compensation for dependence on the benzodiazepine, Ativan
(Medawar, 1992: 183). By 1994, 17,000 claimants and 2000 law firms in the
UK, assisted by the Tranquillizer Action Group, were involved in litigation
against manufacturers of several benzodiazepines due to alleged drug injury
(Dyer, 1994).
These legal cases probed deeply into the quality of the medical science
underpinning the drugs’ development by the pharmaceutical companies and
their regulation by expert government scientists. Consumer organizations
fundamentally challenged the conflicts of interest of expert scientists advising
the regulatory authorities. For example, the Chairman of the CSM at the time
of the Opren controversy had previously advised Eli Lilly on clinical trials with
the drug and within one week the Head of the British drug regulatory authority
became the Director of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical
Industry (ABPI) (Anon, 1984; Grasham, 1985; House of Commons, 1985:
1142). In this respect, Gabe and Bury (1996) and Giddens (1990) are right to
argue that this is a reflection of social challenges to medical dominance and the
growing contestability of expert knowledge. This is, however, related to a
deeper cause, that is, the mismatch that developed between the citizenship conceptualized
when these regulatory states were established and that which has
come to be envisaged by consumers since the mid-1980s. Indeed, such challenges
can be regarded as the consumerist expression of citizenship rights to
security in health, which the state was supposed to provide after Thalidomide.
"A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusions is deep" - ain't that the truth Mr Harvey

original -
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusions is deep
--Saul Bellow
MHRA was aware that Fiddaman had very good support from his doctor"
9. KW said he was aware that RF had had some very good support from his doctor and wondered how widespread such support would be. RF believed that many doctors would not be able to provide that level of help, due to not knowing how to manage withdrawal. RF had sent the Agency a very large number of personal testimonies about difficulties that others had experienced during withdrawal.
9. KW said he was aware that RF had had some very good support from his doctor and wondered how widespread such support would be. RF believed that many doctors would not be able to provide that level of help, due to not knowing how to manage withdrawal. RF had sent the Agency a very large number of personal testimonies about difficulties that others had experienced during withdrawal.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Ambulance chaser's pet MP uses Commons to trawl info to support litigtion ! - way back in 1985
Opren (Hansard, 25 July 1985)
HC Deb 25 July 1985 vol 83 cc749-51W
I regret that the right hon. Member should use parliamentary questions to make thinly veiled attacks on named individuals and to embark on a search for information in support of legal claims.
HC Deb 25 July 1985 vol 83 cc749-51W
I regret that the right hon. Member should use parliamentary questions to make thinly veiled attacks on named individuals and to embark on a search for information in support of legal claims.
MHRA Drug Analysis- Opren (benoxaprofen) Total number of fatal ADR reports: 88
Opren - needed a multimillionaire and media campaign so parties could achieve a controversial settlement
SpringerLink - Journal Article
Guy Dehn
Opren -- Problems, Solutions, and More
ABSTRACT. This UK paper on multiparty litigation looks at the Opren case. This
concerned an anti-arthritic drug licensed in the UK between 1980 and 1982. While
a number of drug users died, the most common adverse reaction was photosensitivity.
The main legal action involved almost 1,500 plaintiffs and seven defendants.
In the early summer of 1987 a court ruling on the funding of the action meant that
500 of the plaintiffs might have to withdraw. With the help of a multimillionaire and
a media campaign, the parties reached a controversial settlement at the end of 1987.
This paper focuses on the plaintiffs' case, the way the litigation proceeded through
the courts and the nature of the settlement. It goes on to assess the problems the
case highlighted in court procedures, legal aid and liability for defective drugs.
This paper looks at the Opren case and goes on to try to draw
lessons about the way that group actions can be handled in the
English courts, how they should be financed and their application to
drug disasters. The issues in group claims are not simply a blown-up
version of the access to justice issue for they throw up peculiar
dilemmas of their own as this paper shows. However group claims
inevitably force the interested observer back to basic principles --
what is the role of the courts, what is the role of the state as against
that of the individual, what is the object of the tort system.
The paper gives a simplistic overview of the Opren case and
discusses some of the developments it has pointed to. Any reader
interested in the implications of class actions and in the questions
they raise about basic principles should read Agent Orange on Trial
(Schuck, 1987) which details the six year US class action against the
manufacturers of the defoliant used in the Vietnam war. In spite of
the lessons that such a detailed study can bring home, no such study
is likely to emerge from any UK group case. This is partly because
the UK is not as open a society as the US is. There is no freedom of
information law in the UK. It is partly because the rules of discovery
and on interrogatories in US litigation have fewer restrictions on
what information litigants can obtain from one another than the rules
in the UK and Europe. And it is partly because the terms of any
settlement in a UK group claim are likely to be confidential, as they
were in the Opren case.
Journal of Consumer Policy 12: 397--414, 1989.
© 1989 KluwerAcademic Publishers'. Printed in the Netherlands.
Guy Dehn
Opren -- Problems, Solutions, and More
ABSTRACT. This UK paper on multiparty litigation looks at the Opren case. This
concerned an anti-arthritic drug licensed in the UK between 1980 and 1982. While
a number of drug users died, the most common adverse reaction was photosensitivity.
The main legal action involved almost 1,500 plaintiffs and seven defendants.
In the early summer of 1987 a court ruling on the funding of the action meant that
500 of the plaintiffs might have to withdraw. With the help of a multimillionaire and
a media campaign, the parties reached a controversial settlement at the end of 1987.
This paper focuses on the plaintiffs' case, the way the litigation proceeded through
the courts and the nature of the settlement. It goes on to assess the problems the
case highlighted in court procedures, legal aid and liability for defective drugs.
This paper looks at the Opren case and goes on to try to draw
lessons about the way that group actions can be handled in the
English courts, how they should be financed and their application to
drug disasters. The issues in group claims are not simply a blown-up
version of the access to justice issue for they throw up peculiar
dilemmas of their own as this paper shows. However group claims
inevitably force the interested observer back to basic principles --
what is the role of the courts, what is the role of the state as against
that of the individual, what is the object of the tort system.
The paper gives a simplistic overview of the Opren case and
discusses some of the developments it has pointed to. Any reader
interested in the implications of class actions and in the questions
they raise about basic principles should read Agent Orange on Trial
(Schuck, 1987) which details the six year US class action against the
manufacturers of the defoliant used in the Vietnam war. In spite of
the lessons that such a detailed study can bring home, no such study
is likely to emerge from any UK group case. This is partly because
the UK is not as open a society as the US is. There is no freedom of
information law in the UK. It is partly because the rules of discovery
and on interrogatories in US litigation have fewer restrictions on
what information litigants can obtain from one another than the rules
in the UK and Europe. And it is partly because the terms of any
settlement in a UK group claim are likely to be confidential, as they
were in the Opren case.
Journal of Consumer Policy 12: 397--414, 1989.
© 1989 KluwerAcademic Publishers'. Printed in the Netherlands.
Bio- Mark Harvey, ambulance chaser & Opren litigator.
Friday, 14 November 2008
1,200 victims of the Opren anti-arthritis drug secured pounds £2.275million i.e £ 1895.83 each !!! - in an out-of-court settlement : Doctors dished them out like sweets until, like opium, they got the masses hooked, The Independent, August 19, 1996
In Britain no group action against a commercial company has reached trial, although the 1,200 victims of the Opren anti-arthritis drug secured pounds £2.275million in an out-of-court settlement in 1987.
The remaining claimants complain that they have been denied the right to pursue their actions because the costs would dwarf any damages. The root of the problem was that investigation of cases viewed as unwinnable both slowed down the progress of the case and clocked up enormous costs.
In Britain no group action against a commercial company has reached trial, although the 1,200 victims of the Opren anti-arthritis drug secured pounds £2.275million in an out-of-court settlement in 1987.
The remaining claimants complain that they have been denied the right to pursue their actions because the costs would dwarf any damages. The root of the problem was that investigation of cases viewed as unwinnable both slowed down the progress of the case and clocked up enormous costs.
Social Audit's work has been funded mainly by sale of publications, also through consultancy work in legally aided drug injury litigation.
However, Social Audit’s web site ( goes a little further: Its (Social Audit's) work has been funded mainly by sale of publications, also through consultancy work in legally aided drug injury litigation. We have undertaken generic research for solicitors acting for plaintiffs in a number of major cases, including those involving Opren/Oraflex (benoxaprofen); Factor VIII and other blood products contaminated by HIV; and dependence-related problems with benzodiazepine tranquillizers. What claim to a special independence do lawyers or individuals working for or as single issue pressure groups have, exactly? Their raison d'etre is to seek out controversy and conflict that has the potential directly to sustain and reward them. Why should their potential conflict of interest be treated more leniently than a clinician, such as myself, who has an interest in pharmacology and is sometimes paid to give advice to companies about their products?
However, Social Audit’s web site ( goes a little further: Its (Social Audit's) work has been funded mainly by sale of publications, also through consultancy work in legally aided drug injury litigation. We have undertaken generic research for solicitors acting for plaintiffs in a number of major cases, including those involving Opren/Oraflex (benoxaprofen); Factor VIII and other blood products contaminated by HIV; and dependence-related problems with benzodiazepine tranquillizers. What claim to a special independence do lawyers or individuals working for or as single issue pressure groups have, exactly? Their raison d'etre is to seek out controversy and conflict that has the potential directly to sustain and reward them. Why should their potential conflict of interest be treated more leniently than a clinician, such as myself, who has an interest in pharmacology and is sometimes paid to give advice to companies about their products?
Scientific journalist Charles Medawar given access to inspect documents - Opren litigation
Thursday, 13 November 2008
domain has expired !!
The domain has expired. If you owned this domain, please contact your domain registration service provider for further assistance. If you need help identifying your service provider, visit
SEROXAT SUFFERERS - STAND UP AND BE COUNTED: Glaxo ex-employee sues over antidepressant use
SEROXAT SUFFERERS - STAND UP AND BE COUNTED: Glaxo ex-employee sues over antidepressant use
- a post from the "archives of"
- a post from the "archives of"
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Friday, 7 November 2008
another attack on GSK by "Evelyn Pringle"- this time Avandia, again sponsored by scientology lawyers Baum, Hedlund, Aristei etc
Avandia Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attacks: Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman: "Evelyn Pringle
(Written as part of a series on Avandia sponsored by Baum Hedlund's Pharmaceutical Litigation Department)"
(Written as part of a series on Avandia sponsored by Baum Hedlund's Pharmaceutical Litigation Department)"
Is Evelyn Pringle is real person or just a CCHR pen-name? - alt.religion.scientology | Grupos de Google
Evelyn Pringle - "Quality Article"
errrrrrrrr let's look at the bottom line @ the original URL -
Evelyn Pringle
(Written as part of the Paxil Litigation Round-Up, Sponsored by Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman’s Pharmaceutical Litigation Department
errrrrrrrr let's look at the bottom line @ the original URL -
Evelyn Pringle
(Written as part of the Paxil Litigation Round-Up, Sponsored by Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman’s Pharmaceutical Litigation Department
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
"The Bob Fiddaman interview" - with forward by Dr Aubrey Blumsohn drawing attention to himself !!
It's quite an experience: The Risks Outweigh the Benefits - An Interview with Bob Fiddaman
Dr Aubrey Blumsohn, failed human being by Dr Rita Pall - who "tells it as it is"
NHS: Dr Aubrey Blumsohn, Penny Mellor, Lisa Blakemore Brown and David Southall
from -
Dr Aubrey Blumsohn is an interesting character who came into the above situation because he wanted to be Lisa Blakemore Brown's hero. A man who apparently flaunts bravery but when the shit hits the fan, he really is nothing more than a coward. It is very true that Aubrey did not have the guts to fight Mellor on her own turf. In fact what amuses me about Mellor is that she has all these powerful apparently brave men running the opposite direction when she waves her handbag. Does she have a Gucci handbag at all? I often wonder that because perhaps we could meet at dawn - her with her Gucci handbag and me with my Louis Vitton lookalike. We could just bash our handbags at dawn. I doubt Mellor would find this an entertaining prospect. Of late, she has had no sense of humour.
Anyway, to continue the Aubrey Blumsohn story - he deserted the Lisa Blakemore Brown case midway. The rest of us had to finish the case off and spring Lisa Blakemore Brown from the dreadful British Psychological Society. Aubrey Blumsohn does not mention his desertion on the Scientific Misconduct blog. He uses a facade to keep his image in the scientific community. Having persuaded me to assist Lisa and left me caught with the General Medical Council, Aubrey jumped ship. One cannot blame him for being such a coward because he has an image to maintain. That is what its all about in the scientific community - image.
Of course, the essential element of whistleblowing is bravery and Aubrey hasn't got it. Having created a situation, he ran off and hid under his duvet. I know a lot about Aubrey but that is because we run NHS Exposed. Most of the material is not fit for public consumption but I believe his comments on Penny Mellor serves as a useful insight into his real thoughts on the situation. This is the only post I intend to write about Audrey. I had implied I would write others but I think some matters are better left at rest and in the past.
I write about him because as a friend he was a spectacular failure. The quotes below are not actually about disclosing correspondence but more about examining his views on our dark angel Penny Mellor. Mellor's wings have been clipped and quite rightly so. The media should have much better sources and one that is not a compulsive liar.
Here is what Aubrey Blumsohn told us about Penny Mellor
"Several other interesting issues arose. Mellor is also a Scientologist. I am not sure whether you know much about the Scientology connection with psychiatry, but I guess you do. It may be another possibility that she is in fact implanted by them. This might make quite a lot of sense attacking in both sides.I understand that she is quite close to a psychiatrist called Sammi Temini who perversely is also a Scientologist. I don't think there's any evidence that she has ever supported anyone who is in the psychology/psychiatry camp"
He then told us about Penny Mellor's activities on other blogs and websites
"Think you need to post a variety of very well substantiated and immediately pertinent things on a variety of other blogs re Mellor. She now seems to be sending threating emails to other bloggers with a vague "please remove comments that are defamatory and she is implying she is a qualified psychiatrist when she clearly is not"
This is what he wanted to say to Mellor but didn't
"You may have done some great things, but you have also done some nasty, vindictive evil things"
Dr Blumsohn went onto say.....
"A stooge is installed into the mamma group (Mellor) either by government or Pharma. What
better to do than to fight LBB from her own side (but only one side, and use that to discredit the other). Remember also that if MbP is dismissed as a diagnosis in court, other reasons for death in these high profile cases will be raised. Mellor is a strange bod. Refuses to tell anyone who she really is. Her reason for involvement in mAMA is a complete mystery. Has to gain credibility by going full throttle on the case. For no apparent reason starts attacking Lisa from with in the mamma camp. She also takes very very specific steps to dismiss anything to do with vaccines out of hand, and starts discrediting any vaccine hypotheses from within the MAMA camp. This is also anomalous because my impression is that people's views tend to come in clumps, and it is hard to find anyone who would fall into these opposite camps simultaneously fighting against the medical establishment in terms of MbP but for them in terms of vaccines. You can see all this quite nicely on the chat-groups from a few years back in which Mellor participated (I need to dump them before they get removed).
Aubrey talks about Brian Morgan
"What's with Morgan. Sorry for calling you "abrupt" and "rude" - rather thought of it as a compliment :) -- added to the bizarre nature of this. Sends me an email about your comment - all that suggested was they he knows mellor, may be involved, and is a lousy journalist. The latter is suvjective and the first 2 were confirmed by am email from mellor with his name on immediately after
from -
Dr Aubrey Blumsohn is an interesting character who came into the above situation because he wanted to be Lisa Blakemore Brown's hero. A man who apparently flaunts bravery but when the shit hits the fan, he really is nothing more than a coward. It is very true that Aubrey did not have the guts to fight Mellor on her own turf. In fact what amuses me about Mellor is that she has all these powerful apparently brave men running the opposite direction when she waves her handbag. Does she have a Gucci handbag at all? I often wonder that because perhaps we could meet at dawn - her with her Gucci handbag and me with my Louis Vitton lookalike. We could just bash our handbags at dawn. I doubt Mellor would find this an entertaining prospect. Of late, she has had no sense of humour.
Anyway, to continue the Aubrey Blumsohn story - he deserted the Lisa Blakemore Brown case midway. The rest of us had to finish the case off and spring Lisa Blakemore Brown from the dreadful British Psychological Society. Aubrey Blumsohn does not mention his desertion on the Scientific Misconduct blog. He uses a facade to keep his image in the scientific community. Having persuaded me to assist Lisa and left me caught with the General Medical Council, Aubrey jumped ship. One cannot blame him for being such a coward because he has an image to maintain. That is what its all about in the scientific community - image.
Of course, the essential element of whistleblowing is bravery and Aubrey hasn't got it. Having created a situation, he ran off and hid under his duvet. I know a lot about Aubrey but that is because we run NHS Exposed. Most of the material is not fit for public consumption but I believe his comments on Penny Mellor serves as a useful insight into his real thoughts on the situation. This is the only post I intend to write about Audrey. I had implied I would write others but I think some matters are better left at rest and in the past.
I write about him because as a friend he was a spectacular failure. The quotes below are not actually about disclosing correspondence but more about examining his views on our dark angel Penny Mellor. Mellor's wings have been clipped and quite rightly so. The media should have much better sources and one that is not a compulsive liar.
Here is what Aubrey Blumsohn told us about Penny Mellor
"Several other interesting issues arose. Mellor is also a Scientologist. I am not sure whether you know much about the Scientology connection with psychiatry, but I guess you do. It may be another possibility that she is in fact implanted by them. This might make quite a lot of sense attacking in both sides.I understand that she is quite close to a psychiatrist called Sammi Temini who perversely is also a Scientologist. I don't think there's any evidence that she has ever supported anyone who is in the psychology/psychiatry camp"
He then told us about Penny Mellor's activities on other blogs and websites
"Think you need to post a variety of very well substantiated and immediately pertinent things on a variety of other blogs re Mellor. She now seems to be sending threating emails to other bloggers with a vague "please remove comments that are defamatory and she is implying she is a qualified psychiatrist when she clearly is not"
This is what he wanted to say to Mellor but didn't
"You may have done some great things, but you have also done some nasty, vindictive evil things"
Dr Blumsohn went onto say.....
"A stooge is installed into the mamma group (Mellor) either by government or Pharma. What
better to do than to fight LBB from her own side (but only one side, and use that to discredit the other). Remember also that if MbP is dismissed as a diagnosis in court, other reasons for death in these high profile cases will be raised. Mellor is a strange bod. Refuses to tell anyone who she really is. Her reason for involvement in mAMA is a complete mystery. Has to gain credibility by going full throttle on the case. For no apparent reason starts attacking Lisa from with in the mamma camp. She also takes very very specific steps to dismiss anything to do with vaccines out of hand, and starts discrediting any vaccine hypotheses from within the MAMA camp. This is also anomalous because my impression is that people's views tend to come in clumps, and it is hard to find anyone who would fall into these opposite camps simultaneously fighting against the medical establishment in terms of MbP but for them in terms of vaccines. You can see all this quite nicely on the chat-groups from a few years back in which Mellor participated (I need to dump them before they get removed).
Aubrey talks about Brian Morgan
"What's with Morgan. Sorry for calling you "abrupt" and "rude" - rather thought of it as a compliment :) -- added to the bizarre nature of this. Sends me an email about your comment - all that suggested was they he knows mellor, may be involved, and is a lousy journalist. The latter is suvjective and the first 2 were confirmed by am email from mellor with his name on immediately after
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
September 2002 Hugh James set up SeroxatUserGroup - see newsletter issue 1 printed on Hugh James paper.
September 2002 Hugh James set up
year 2001- Ambulance chasing lawyer Mark Harvey advertising for clients BEFORE the SeroxatUserGroup was created !
Seroxat: The real story | From the Observer | The Observer
"Towards the end of last year (( i.e. 2001 )) she saw a newspaper advertisement soliciting for victims of medical negligence. The person she called referred her on to Mark Harvey at the Cardiff firm of Hugh James Ford Simey, who was then unaware of the full extent of the problems linked to Seroxat. But now he is, for he has since heard more than 100 other stories."
from -The chemistry of happiness
source -
"Towards the end of last year (( i.e. 2001 )) she saw a newspaper advertisement soliciting for victims of medical negligence. The person she called referred her on to Mark Harvey at the Cardiff firm of Hugh James Ford Simey, who was then unaware of the full extent of the problems linked to Seroxat. But now he is, for he has since heard more than 100 other stories."
from -The chemistry of happiness
source -
Mark Harvey bio - "May 2001, he became a partner in the Claimant Division of Hugh James in Cardiff"
Mark Harvey was admitted in 1990 as a Solicitor having begun his career in London as a Trainee Legal Executive in 1980 with Owen White, qualifying as a Legal Executive in 1987 working on high street legal aid personal injury claims as well as the Opren group action.
From 1990-94 he was with Lawford & Co, representing major Trade Unions in South Wales including electrical, banking and local government unions, developing an amusing practice representing British Airways stewardesses!
He joined the Smith Llewelyn Partnership in 1994 to revive his personal and professional relationship with the firm (with whom he had litigated the Opren anti-arthritis drug litigation from 1982 until 1987). He became a partner there in 1995.
In May 2001, he became a partner in the Claimant Division of Hugh James in Cardiff, with whom he had been co-ordinating the Gerona air crash claims.He has represented victims in most of the travel disasters of the 1980s and 1990s, including Zeebrugge, Clapham, P & O Lifeboat accident in Cherbourg, and the Maidenhead rail fire. He was a member of the Steering Committees for both the Southall and Ladbroke Grove rail crashes.
He represented Ricky Evans, the first international rugby player to successfully sue another for injury occurring during an international rugby match. He has obtained compensation for many individual victims of common but defective consumer products. He is presently representing over 1000 claimants in actions arising out of the Seroxat and Vioxx pharmaceutical products as well as in three Group Actions concerning various injuries and complaints with medical devices. Most recently he negotiated a settlement protocol for patients who alleged visual problems from their cataract remedial intraocular lenses.
He is past Secretary of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and now a Fellow of APIL; member of the Civil Justice Council and one of the two UK Governors of the American Association for Justice, (formerly known as ATLA) as well as being Vice President of Cardiff and District Law Society.
Author of the APIL Guide to Conditional Fees and the contributor of the Group Actions and Product Liability chapters in the APIL Personal Injury Guide both published by Jordans; he is also the contributing author of the Marketing chapter of the Law Society’s Civil Litigation Handbook (2nd Edition) and Board Member of the Journal of Personal Injury Law.
He has lectured extensively around Britain, mainland Europe and the US on personal injury matters, is a regular author of articles in legal journals and broadcasts regularly on television and radio.Despite this, he finds time to enjoy playing football and golf well as cooking and enjoying wine appreciation.
He has been described as a "Leader in Personal Injury and Product Liability" in Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 during 1999-2007. In 2005 he surprised many including him when nominated as Wales’ only entry in The Lawyer’s “Hot 100” and even more so in 2006 when invited to appear in Debrett’s People of Today! ENDS
Mark Harvey was admitted in 1990 as a Solicitor having begun his career in London as a Trainee Legal Executive in 1980 with Owen White, qualifying as a Legal Executive in 1987 working on high street legal aid personal injury claims as well as the Opren group action.
From 1990-94 he was with Lawford & Co, representing major Trade Unions in South Wales including electrical, banking and local government unions, developing an amusing practice representing British Airways stewardesses!
He joined the Smith Llewelyn Partnership in 1994 to revive his personal and professional relationship with the firm (with whom he had litigated the Opren anti-arthritis drug litigation from 1982 until 1987). He became a partner there in 1995.
In May 2001, he became a partner in the Claimant Division of Hugh James in Cardiff, with whom he had been co-ordinating the Gerona air crash claims.He has represented victims in most of the travel disasters of the 1980s and 1990s, including Zeebrugge, Clapham, P & O Lifeboat accident in Cherbourg, and the Maidenhead rail fire. He was a member of the Steering Committees for both the Southall and Ladbroke Grove rail crashes.
He represented Ricky Evans, the first international rugby player to successfully sue another for injury occurring during an international rugby match. He has obtained compensation for many individual victims of common but defective consumer products. He is presently representing over 1000 claimants in actions arising out of the Seroxat and Vioxx pharmaceutical products as well as in three Group Actions concerning various injuries and complaints with medical devices. Most recently he negotiated a settlement protocol for patients who alleged visual problems from their cataract remedial intraocular lenses.
He is past Secretary of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and now a Fellow of APIL; member of the Civil Justice Council and one of the two UK Governors of the American Association for Justice, (formerly known as ATLA) as well as being Vice President of Cardiff and District Law Society.
Author of the APIL Guide to Conditional Fees and the contributor of the Group Actions and Product Liability chapters in the APIL Personal Injury Guide both published by Jordans; he is also the contributing author of the Marketing chapter of the Law Society’s Civil Litigation Handbook (2nd Edition) and Board Member of the Journal of Personal Injury Law.
He has lectured extensively around Britain, mainland Europe and the US on personal injury matters, is a regular author of articles in legal journals and broadcasts regularly on television and radio.Despite this, he finds time to enjoy playing football and golf well as cooking and enjoying wine appreciation.
He has been described as a "Leader in Personal Injury and Product Liability" in Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 during 1999-2007. In 2005 he surprised many including him when nominated as Wales’ only entry in The Lawyer’s “Hot 100” and even more so in 2006 when invited to appear in Debrett’s People of Today! ENDS
Monday, 3 November 2008
What's better than Aropax or Prozac? :: WHO backed up alternative treatment for depression :: Acupuncture
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Seroxat kills 1 for every 166.9 thousand scripts yet Duloxetine kills 9 times more at 1 for every 17.5 thousand scripts
SSRI DISCUSSION FORUM: MHRA Drug Analysis Print Drug name: VENLAFAXINE - 145 fatal ADR's
166 fatal ADR reports for 27,712,400 Seroxat prescriptions = 1 in 166.9 thousand prescriptions
38 fatal ADR reports for 666,100 Duloxetine prescriptions = 1 in 17.5 thousand prescriptions
166 fatal ADR reports for 27,712,400 Seroxat prescriptions = 1 in 166.9 thousand prescriptions
38 fatal ADR reports for 666,100 Duloxetine prescriptions = 1 in 17.5 thousand prescriptions
MHRA Drug Analysis- PAROXETINE (Seroxat) - 166 Fatal Adverse reactions yet FLUOXETINE (Prozac) 32% higher @ 219 Fatal ADR's
Drug Analysis Print FLUOXETINE (Prozac) 219 Fatal adverse drug reactions
Drug Analysis Print PAROXETINE (Seroxat) - 166 Fatal Adverse drug reactions
Drug Analysis Print PAROXETINE (Seroxat) - 166 Fatal Adverse drug reactions
Dr. Healy - works "coalface in a District General Hospital setting managing psychoses" i.e psych drugs & ECT !!
[2002] Prozac, Suicide and Dr. Healy By Rick Giombetti
In the case of Thomas Szasz he was arguing that it was unreasonable to say that psychoneuroses were diseases. I agree with him. However I have not been a psychotherapist earning my living out of treating minor mental disorders. I'm at the coalface in a District General Hospital setting managing psychoses. Many of these patients can end up in states of rigid immobility that we know can last for months or years if left untreated. Others are consumed by nihilistic delusions of various sorts. Yet others have thought disorder of a kind that most clinical observers looking at it have said indicates frontal lobe dysfunction. It is these states that I am happy to say look like real diseases.
Saying that these look like real diseases does not mean that they have to be treated with physical means. I am happy to respect a person or their families wish to leave the state untreated. I also believe that when we finally understand the biological underpinnings of things this will put us in a better position to know how to handle many of these states by non-physical means. Genetic testing for disorders like phenylketonuria makes it possible to avoid the damage that this illness causes by simply managing your diet properly.
In the case of Thomas Szasz he was arguing that it was unreasonable to say that psychoneuroses were diseases. I agree with him. However I have not been a psychotherapist earning my living out of treating minor mental disorders. I'm at the coalface in a District General Hospital setting managing psychoses. Many of these patients can end up in states of rigid immobility that we know can last for months or years if left untreated. Others are consumed by nihilistic delusions of various sorts. Yet others have thought disorder of a kind that most clinical observers looking at it have said indicates frontal lobe dysfunction. It is these states that I am happy to say look like real diseases.
Saying that these look like real diseases does not mean that they have to be treated with physical means. I am happy to respect a person or their families wish to leave the state untreated. I also believe that when we finally understand the biological underpinnings of things this will put us in a better position to know how to handle many of these states by non-physical means. Genetic testing for disorders like phenylketonuria makes it possible to avoid the damage that this illness causes by simply managing your diet properly.
Dr Healy said "I believe that psychotropic drugs can be helpful" - & it goes without saying that Seroxat is a psychotropic drug
[2002] Prozac, Suicide and Dr. Healy By Rick Giombetti
David Healy said -
The Antidepressant Era is all about the extraordinary influence that pharmaceutical companies can have over research and the medical literature. The difference between the position I take in this book and Peter Breggin's argument is that I believe that psychotropic drugs can be helpful where he seems to think that physical treatments generally are both unhelpful and ethically dubious. My treatment by the CAMH hasn't altered my perceptions on this issue.
David Healy said -
The Antidepressant Era is all about the extraordinary influence that pharmaceutical companies can have over research and the medical literature. The difference between the position I take in this book and Peter Breggin's argument is that I believe that psychotropic drugs can be helpful where he seems to think that physical treatments generally are both unhelpful and ethically dubious. My treatment by the CAMH hasn't altered my perceptions on this issue.
Dr Healy "evidence across the board from ALL of the companies producing SSRI's is that their drugs can make 1 in 20 of us agitated" - not just Seroxat
[2002] Prozac, Suicide and Dr. Healy By Rick Giombetti
Healy said -
"The evidence across the board from all of the companies producing SSRI's is that their drugs can make 1 in 20 of us agitated to the extent that we drop out of trials. This agitation in some cases will include thoughts of suicide, self-harm or strange out of character thoughts. The agitation may even develop to psychotic proportions."
Healy said -
"The evidence across the board from all of the companies producing SSRI's is that their drugs can make 1 in 20 of us agitated to the extent that we drop out of trials. This agitation in some cases will include thoughts of suicide, self-harm or strange out of character thoughts. The agitation may even develop to psychotic proportions."
Saturday, 1 November 2008
so Fiddaman is not the only sucker - MHRA took the seroxat user group for a ride too !!
The contrast between the sugary invitation to the SUG and your refusal of Dr Healy’s and my request that I should attend the November meeting was too much to swallow. I could only conclude that this volte face had far less to do with seeking after truth than saving ministerial/departmental face. After more than five years of being held at bay, while attempting to explain how the MCA/CSM was contributing to a vast amount of unnecessary suffering, I did not think anything much would be gained by going to a "private and informal meeting" between the SUG and Dr Mackay, especially when the MCA had refused SUG’s request to record the proceedings.
Seroxat User Group tried to manipulate Charles Medawar of Social Audit !!
Social Audit (SA) and the Seroxat Users Group (SUG) are entirely independent organisations. When they told the MCA they would have liked me to join their group at the meeting with the MCA, they had not discussed it with me, as they should have done. The first I heard from them was an email saying that the MCA "hadn’t objected" to their proposal that I came.
source -
source -
Social Audit Ltd
P O Box 111 London NW1 8XG
Telephone/Fax 44 (0) 207 586 7771
Dr June Raine, Director
Post-Licensing Division
Medicines Control Agency
Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane
London SW8 5NQ 9 February 2003
Dear Dr Raine,
Thank you for your letter of 4 February. It confirmed my fears of cronyism and more, and I shall be pursuing my complaint as you suggest. In this connection, please let me know by the end of this week if you dispute what Dr Healy and Dr Herxheimer have both independently confirmed to me – that you explained my exclusion from the meeting of 21 November saying, "he is not a scientist".
I look forward to receiving a response to my letter of 21 January. In the meantime, it seems naïve and perhaps opportunistic now to profess some new found hope that we might meet, courtesy of the Seroxat Users Group. I am not sure whether you misunderstand or misrepresent the position:
1. Social Audit (SA) and the Seroxat Users Group (SUG) are entirely independent organisations. When they told the MCA they would have liked me to join their group at the meeting with the MCA, they had not discussed it with me, as they should have done. The first I heard from them was an email saying that the MCA "hadn’t objected" to their proposal that I came. Big deal. You should know that I have never even met anyone from SUG and also declined an invitation to address their inaugural meeting, in an attempt to maintain complete independence from any legal action – not least because of the MCA’s own prejudices about the role of lawyers in representing consumers’ interests. You will recall that the MCA/CSM, until recently, tried to stop lawyers (and only lawyers) even from obtaining the most basic data about suspected adverse drug reactions - and on this occasion, I understand the MCA specifically told SUG that they could not bring a legal adviser to the proposed meeting with Dr Mackay.
2. At a few days’ notice I could not have attended that meeting, but I would not have chosen to if I had been free. The contrast between the sugary invitation to the SUG and your refusal of Dr Healy’s and my request that I should attend the November meeting was too much to swallow. I could only conclude that this volte face had far less to do with seeking after truth than saving ministerial/departmental face. After more than five years of being held at bay, while attempting to explain how the MCA/CSM was contributing to a vast amount of unnecessary suffering, I did not think anything much would be gained by going to a "private and informal meeting" between the SUG and Dr Mackay, especially when the MCA had refused SUG’s request to record the proceedings. Such a meeting hardly befitted what Parliament had been told was an "intensive review."
Yours sincerely,
Charles Medawar
Social Audit Ltd
P O Box 111 London NW1 8XG
Telephone/Fax 44 (0) 207 586 7771
Dr June Raine, Director
Post-Licensing Division
Medicines Control Agency
Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane
London SW8 5NQ 9 February 2003
Dear Dr Raine,
Thank you for your letter of 4 February. It confirmed my fears of cronyism and more, and I shall be pursuing my complaint as you suggest. In this connection, please let me know by the end of this week if you dispute what Dr Healy and Dr Herxheimer have both independently confirmed to me – that you explained my exclusion from the meeting of 21 November saying, "he is not a scientist".
I look forward to receiving a response to my letter of 21 January. In the meantime, it seems naïve and perhaps opportunistic now to profess some new found hope that we might meet, courtesy of the Seroxat Users Group. I am not sure whether you misunderstand or misrepresent the position:
1. Social Audit (SA) and the Seroxat Users Group (SUG) are entirely independent organisations. When they told the MCA they would have liked me to join their group at the meeting with the MCA, they had not discussed it with me, as they should have done. The first I heard from them was an email saying that the MCA "hadn’t objected" to their proposal that I came. Big deal. You should know that I have never even met anyone from SUG and also declined an invitation to address their inaugural meeting, in an attempt to maintain complete independence from any legal action – not least because of the MCA’s own prejudices about the role of lawyers in representing consumers’ interests. You will recall that the MCA/CSM, until recently, tried to stop lawyers (and only lawyers) even from obtaining the most basic data about suspected adverse drug reactions - and on this occasion, I understand the MCA specifically told SUG that they could not bring a legal adviser to the proposed meeting with Dr Mackay.
2. At a few days’ notice I could not have attended that meeting, but I would not have chosen to if I had been free. The contrast between the sugary invitation to the SUG and your refusal of Dr Healy’s and my request that I should attend the November meeting was too much to swallow. I could only conclude that this volte face had far less to do with seeking after truth than saving ministerial/departmental face. After more than five years of being held at bay, while attempting to explain how the MCA/CSM was contributing to a vast amount of unnecessary suffering, I did not think anything much would be gained by going to a "private and informal meeting" between the SUG and Dr Mackay, especially when the MCA had refused SUG’s request to record the proceedings. Such a meeting hardly befitted what Parliament had been told was an "intensive review."
Yours sincerely,
Charles Medawar
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