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Friday 28 November 2008

@ mssg 18313 Prozac awareness Derek Scott explains why he posted the article @ 18312

Re: PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health

I posted that last article, because I was remembering a class I had last year in
psychopathology about the inverse relationship of Serotonin and Testosterone.
Young people who suffer from conduct disorder, and the majority of criminals in
jail have a high serotonin level and low testosterone level, and I dont know if
you've noticed, these teenagers are very often sexually active sooner as a
consequence, and girls of the same age appear to find this behaviour attractive
or desirable, or maybe they just release more copious amouts of pheromones lol.
That got me thinking heh, if people with conduct disorder have high levels of
serotonin, then one can conclude that to mean that untreated depressed people,
or mixed depression/anxiety disordered people will be likely to have a low level
of the neurotransmitter Serotonin, and probably higher Testosterone levels
(inverted correlation), but that this changes when prescribed SSRI
antidepressants i.e. higher serotonin and lower testosterone (it is as yet
unknown whether or not depressed people have low serotonin/higher testosterone
levels), resulting in low libido, and thus sexual problems (see the article
below) which attempts to coroberate that hypothesis.
Growing evidence links abnormal levels of the brain chemical serotonin to
impulsive aggression, suicide and a wide range ...

etc etc

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