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Friday 28 November 2008

(then) moderator of Prozacawareness says Derek Scott - "brain washed by the industry of the pharma lords"

PROZACAWARENESS Re: The Role of One's Mood on Weight Gain and Overall Health

Finally I have a bone to pick with you... these killer drugs have
never cured anything...never C U R E D any thing... they only mask
and supposedly relieve symptoms...but in reality, they create more
side effects than they mask in many people and the long lasting
effects are potentially life lasting.... can you imagine if the 3
million people who have taken this 'scheisse' all have flash backs
and/or memory problems with this stuff and produce off spring with
impared brain function..... Oh my GOD, I can not even image the world
in 50 years.... se dear, you too, in your university studies has also
been brain washed by the industry of the pharma lords
.... these drugs
CURE nothing sorry to jump down your throat....hugs Joey
PS not attacking you, don't get all rattled, just educating someone

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