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Saturday 11 June 2011

Patrick McGorry & The Man Boob Drugs - extracted from Fiddaman blog for counterpointing

article here -

Quote -

Kat McCormick of the Utopia Research Institute has a great article up regarding Patrick McGorry's early intervention program and one of the choices of drugs McGorry may or may not use on children.

Risperdal seems to be a popular choice these days for children with apparent mental disorders, if McGorry & Co have their way, your child could be prescribed it...without actually having any disorder. That's the early intervention program for you folks. It can spot if your child may get a disorder in future years, a simple test drive in McGorry's DeLorean will let him and his team know if your child will fall foul in future years.

Risperdal has many side-effects, McCormick writes, in the main, about one of those - Man Boobs.

She writes:
Gynecomastia (gy-neco-mas-tia) refers to excessive development or persistent enlargement of the male breast. Or in other words, benign enlargement of the glandular tissue of the breast and accumulation of fibro-fatty tissue and YOU don’t have to be overweight for it to happen to YOU, it can strike any adolescent male [or adult man] taking Risperidone and it’s devastating.

Risperdal has been found to increase a hormone called prolactin which stimulates breast growth. The full description of this side effect is not mentioned on the package insert or on the FDA site or product manufacturer’s site. Prolactin is a hormone released by the pituitary gland.

Now, it cannot be certain whether or not McGorry would prescribe these types of drugs to children but hey, if he can predict the future then I see no reason why we can't.

She finishes off her article with:

I have one last thing to say. Nice one Patrick! let’s get them hooked on a psychotropic drug designed for debilitating schizophrenia just in case they might be the 1 out of 9 kids that really needs help and when they show serious signs of potentially harmful side effects…take the drugs away and hope for the best…hopefully their parents won’t sue that pants off you.

The Australian government back McGorry's time-travelling side show, they, to my knowledge, have never been shown any scientific proof that McGorry's program actually works.

I see it as a wonderful opportunity for clairvoyants in Australia - why not approach your Prime Minister and ask for some funding? Then again, psychics and the like have been rapped on the knuckles and can now only pass off their business as 'entertainment only.'

Question is...what is the difference between a psychic predicting your future and Patrick McGorry predicting your child's future?

A thought to ponder.

Kat McCormick's article can be read in full HERE.

Read the new book, The Evidence, However, Is Clear...The Seroxat Scandal



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