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Saturday 25 June 2011

HSJ Mogger And The Death Of Disability xxx by SILVIS RIVERS...

Jill Goble said -

A brilliant cartoon and poem and it makes me very sad I was so wrong back in the days when we campaigned for a few workers in that garden centre to at least be paid the minimum wage. And Silv warned me. We fell out about it. He said make sure they keep enough places of sanctuary and peace in the garden centre for those who are not suited to the world of work. Silv always spoke up for patient choice. And I never imagined then that work would become this big obsession which is now being used against us. I never imagined work would be told to us as though it is the only thing worth living for. And why disabled people like us are now dying because of being sold that terrible lie. Like Paul Willkinson who Silv has drawn this terrible picture of what we are having to live with now for Brilliant but terrible. And so sad...

Monitoring Mental Health

Monitoring Mental Health

We said in 2005
Some would "pay"
As the Labour Gov't
Made its pathways into straw and promised hay
Over the hole in the economic field
Where some now fall and their bones yield

You are awkward horses
Stick lives and crutched
So they make some courses
So you're crowded and hutched

Though some escaped to the woods
Where old ropes and hopes dangle
And finally entered the world of ghosts
In a strangled ballet and a tangle ..

I saw the trees and winds blowing
And the feet twitch and the going
And the violated silence just flowing ...



Switching Twitching History

When you pull down events
They way they ran
And turned into a sacred cow
All changes to different where's, when's
And how

For the Romans practiced equality
With legions of wheelchairs
And the Iceni
Never felt their victories rapes or despairs
And the Picts raided Briton
And grew flowers
And there were never the forces
That socially formed super powers

Except , someone is always chosen
To wear the blood coat
Cave minds need something to picture
As blamed as a cut throated goat
And later it was strange survivors
And witching
More cleverly its social rejection
And the man dangling and twitching


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