blogs created to prevent or detect a crime

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Wednesday 10 November 2010

seroxatUSERgroup who lied when they claimed to be a charity - via "wayback machine"

Who We Are

Janice Simmons - Charity Co-Ordinator

"I am the wife of a long term Seroxat user, and therefore I'm particularly interested in those of you who have partners, family and friends that need help in understanding the problems of taking Seroxat. I know how much it can affect all members of a family, as well as the user."


Andrew Isaac - Charity Co-Ordinator

"I took Seroxat for approximately four years and despite a protracted withdrawal, I have now successfully withdrawn from the drug. I am 30 years old and am studying medicine."


Can You Help?

We are a self funding, non profit making organisation, and hope that you may be able to make a donation towards funding our operational costs.

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