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Wednesday 22 April 2009

uksurvivors : Message: Re: Seroxat documentaries win Awards - "Tuesday is spot on Mr Fiddy ...

uksurvivors : Message: Re: Seroxat documentaries win Awards: "Tuesday is spot on Mr Fiddy ... Mental Health Media (now partly
subsumbed into Mind) are a kind of upper middle class outfit and they
represent a kind of rich parasite eco-niche which feeds of various
lower User-corrals."

Sainsbury Centre For Mental Health CEO is a Trustee of MHM . And they
purchased the website of NIMHE a Govt DOH agency and the DOH have never
explained why ..

The last lot of MHM awards saw the ex promotional Manager Gary Hogman of
Mad For Arts (a Rethink and MHM backed venture 494k total cost - DCMS
and Culture Online Backed also run by the Community Channel and CH4
connected with the Media Trust) handing out some awards

Gary works for the NIMHE quangling SHIFT . SHIFT (anti Stigma drives)
duplicate what the charities were doing on trying to get back to work
mental health Users - SHIFT rather incestuously sponsored MHM to
gather information back in 2003 - 4 when they ran the "Open Up"
anti-discrimination toolkit project (572k)

Gary was a promo manager for National Schitzophrenia Fellowship (which)
became Rethink .

The last lot of awards of MHM was full of people in the media or charity
circles awarding each other in a kind of self fulfilling self
perpetuating circle of funding and cross organisational work ..

Its easy to be taken in Mr Fiddy - but in time you would see who is
doing what and how they are funded and you would question what is truly
the effectiveness of these people's fashionable actions ?
Does it truly
reach people and cause real change or is it useful for a kind of pc way
of getting more funding and doing so inside incestuous circles ..

The MH charities and hangers on and in, are quite evil and corporate in
their ways - very dodgy with impression-skills and public relation
tricks ..

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