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Friday 24 April 2009

"as far as helping other people get off the (SSRI) drugs go - he (FIDDAMAN) has no idea,"

Yesterday - I was bemused and dazed to see that Mr Fiddy posted with such bristling relish his invitation to write on the newly set up My Face Networking who's owners would apparently be

"delighted if you could participate by writing a regular feature that we hope to dedicated to people who are struggling to taper off antidepressants."

Firstly, I was bemused as to where they got the notion Mr Fiddy should / could write about SSRI withdrawal – if they had read his "site with great interest" as they say they have …… they would know that as far as helping other people get off the drugs go - he has no idea,

He has no knowledge of antidepressant (AD) drug withdrawal methods or what helps, both which he freely admitted too and has well catalogued – nothing to offer other than his own personal experience of coming off Seroxat which he ended by going cold turkey – which is neither safe nor recommended.

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