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Saturday 13 September 2008

UKS 35834. MHRA (John Watkins) to Fiddaman re meetings

Dear Mr Fiddaman

You emailed our Information Centre on 18 March requesting a meeting with Kent Woods, and that email has been passed to me.

You will recall that it was on 6 March that we published the results of our investigation into GSK. On that day, Prof. Woods spoke over the phone with Janice Simmons, and she requested a meeting.

Given the timing of the two requests it would of course have been discourteous to Janice to have pursued your request at this stage without considering hers. I have now offered her a meeting with Prof. Woods, leaving it to her to decide who might be best placed to accompany her. She has accepted the offer. I understand you are aware of that.

We would like to take stock of your request for a meeting in the light of the outcome of the meeting with Janice and those she may bring with her. Indeed you might see that meeting as fulfilling the suggestion in your email that the MHRA and anti-Seroxat/SSRI campaigners should get together to discuss the issues.

May I take the opportunity of thanking you for your fairness in acknowledging on your blog that we are trying to being as transparent as we can be in answering some of your requests for information.

Yours sincerely,

John Watkins

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