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Friday 26 August 2011

TrueHope EMpowerplus - off the shelf pig nutrients - FIDDAMAN counterpoint blog

A. The development of EMpowerplus

[12] As an animal nutritionist, Mr. Hardy discovered that feeding certain nutrients to pigs helped alleviate their ear and tail biting syndrome. Mr. Hardy observed that certain behaviors in humans such as hyper-irritability as well as symptoms related to bipolar disorder are similar to what he observed in pigs and speculated that if people were given certain nutrients, their symptoms could also be alleviated.

[13] In 1995, Mr. Anthony Stephan, also a co-founder of TrueHope, sought Mr. Hardy’s advice about treating the poor mental health of his children: his daughter Autumn was delusional and suicidal, and his son, Joseph suffered from bursts of uncontrollable rage. Given Mr. Hardy’s positive experience with treating similar conduct in pigs as a nutrient deficiency, they placed

Autumn and Joseph on a course of off-the- retail-shelf nutrients. The mental health of both improved.

[14] In 1996, the positive experience with using nutrients to help people deal with their mental problems led Mr. Hardy and Mr. Stephan to develop the Quad Program, a treatment protocol of supplement vitamins and mineral nutrients. In 1996, Mr. Hardy and Mr. Stephan incorporated the Synergy Group of Canada Inc. (Synergy) to promote research into the Quad Program and observe its results. A Quad Program study at the University of Lethbridge and the University of Calgary revealed that due to inconsistency in the mineral supplements, people on the protocol faltered. Mr. Hardy and Mr. Stephan sought to improve the Quad Program and did so by developing a single and consistent product, being EMpowerplus.

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