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Monday 15 August 2011

SEROXAT litigant suffered no lasting effects - barrister Sarah Venn now defends BIG BUSINESS

Sarah frequently acts in a range of employer’s liability claims, including ‘six-pack’ and disease claims. She has an excellent understanding of asbestos-related diseases, manual handling injuries and noise-induced hearing loss claims and frequently appears in ‘show-cause’ hearings under the expedited procedure for living mesothelioma claims.

•Defending a range of claims brought against supermarkets by employees who have been injured at work

•Advising on the operation of the Limitation Act 1980 in a claim prosecuted by an individual who alleged he had developed noise-induced hearing loss as a consequence of working in heavy industry

Defending a claim brought by a manager who contended she suffered psychiatric harm as a result of stress at work

•Advising a street-maintenance company on a claim brought by an employee who contended that he had developed a repetitive strain injury

•Advising an airport baggage handling company on a number of claims arising from alleged contraventions of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

•Assisting with the successful defence of a claim brought by an employee who contended that his employer was liable for a defective tool he had fashioned himself and used at work
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