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Monday 4 October 2010

Scientology is using antipsychiatry to further proseletising to vulnerable people - says Professor Dean

Re: [psychiatry-research] Re: Secrets of Scientology - BBC1 Panorama 1 hour programme tonight
I questioned Lady MacNair about that:

"Why does Scientology criticise without offering an alternative approach? If you're unaware of options, which is hard to believe if you're sincere in that work, I've placed the Social Model and its CMMT Trial proposal before you. Promote that - join forces with the Ears Campaign. Then you'll be seen as acting on your words"

She said, "We don't have the resources" to which I replied: "D'you think I don't know how big Scientology is? You're evading the question with a falsehood yet claim to preach God's word. That's inconsistent, Lady MacNair, so from this conversation I can only conclude Scientology is using antipsychiatry to further proseletising to vulnerable people"

She was extremely uncomfortable and said she would consult with her superiors. Guess what? Never heard another squeak out of her


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