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Monday 25 October 2010

Evelyn Pringle’s articles removed from OpEd

This is the first I heard of this.

I did not write my articles because I was a Hillary supporter. I wrote my articles because my investigation turned up what it did, even though I was absolutely not looking or expecting what I found. As a journalist and as a human being, I could not not write about what I found just because I am a Democrat!!!

I find it very disturbing that Rob would even consider such an outright censorship of truthful information.

Shortly after I wrote my first article, I put out a commentary of sorts saying that if anyone found one factual statement that was false or incorrect to contact me and show me where it was wrong and I would make a correction.

NOT ONE PERSON contacted with a single example of an untrue or false statement in any of the 11 articles I wrote.

I will be outraged if Rob removes those articles and I will make it known! I spent 2 and a half months of my life, unpaid, 12 and 18 hours a day 7 days a week, investigating the matters I wrote about and if he does something like this to me I will never forgive him.

The articles are up in full on Scoop and several other websites so if he pulls this, their removal from OpEd will stick out like a sore thumb on the internet

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