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Sunday 22 November 2009

Traitor Bob Fiddaan is "not irreconcilably opposed to the sale of SSRI"


"In the words of former Paxil activist, Rob Robinson: "

“It might surprise you to hear that I am not irreconcilably opposed to the sale of SSRIs — with the exception of Paxil (which should be pulled from the marketplace immediately.) My position on the matter is simply pragmatic: Since the regulatory door guarding the SSRI cage has been sprung there's really no way to close it. Today, the SSRI industry feeds (and sleeps with) its own handler, the Food and Drug Administration, and gorges on billions in pill profits every year. There is simply no easy way to kill the SSRI beast now that it is on the prowl; the most one can hope to do is corner it ... and hold it at bay.”

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