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Q: Bob, your blog "Seroxat Sufferers" seems to have become a flagship in the ongoing war of words with GlaxoSmithKline, (“GSK”)(5), the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, (“MHRA“)(6), the Department of Health, and so on, concerning GSK's SSRI antidepressant(7), Seroxat(8). You've built yourself a reputation as being belligerent and irritating; or forceful and determined, dependent upon which side of the fence one is sat. Your interest in Seroxat is well-documented, on your blog, as being consequent to personal experience. Why don't you start by telling us a bit about that?
Well thanks for the 'big-up' on the blog, there are others that blog just as well... if not better than I. Personally I think it is because I add my name to most of my rants that the blog has become infamous with all those connected with GSK, the MHRA et al... at least I like to think it has. 'Seroxat Sufferers Stand Up And Be Counted' is quite a mouthful, most people now refer to it as “Fiddaman's blog” - People could call it Leticia's blog for all I care... The main objective was, and still is, to create awareness.
I don't often touch on my own personal experience with Seroxat, particularly on my blog as there are far more important issues to come across.
Basically, I was prescribed Seroxat by my GP(9) due to 'depression' - it was work-related and kind of spiralled when my former employers put me on to a 'Long Term Absence Register' because I had developed an illness that didn't allow me to perform the job I was employed for (Osteoarthritis of the hips). The 'Long Term Absence Register' was basically set up to leave employees without pay and without being able to claim for benefits. It had a strain on family life and Seroxat was deemed to 'fix' that problem.
Seroxat took away the pain of not being able to provide for my family, in fact I didn't really care much about anything. I became devoid of any human emotion other than sadness, it was an unexplainable sadness though, you know bouts of crying when I really didn't know what I was crying about.
I first noticed withdrawal symptoms when my family and I went on holiday - an annual trip to the mother-in-laws caravan. At the time I thought I had sunstroke - strange shooting sensations across my head and a feeling of nausea. However, victims of sunstroke suffer because they get too much sun I had been on holiday for two days, two days in June where it had rained constantly. I actually wrongly thought that there would be no need to take my dose as I was away on holiday and away from everything that reminded me of the employment thing. It was my wife (now divorced) who asked if I had taken my medication. Once I realised that the zaps were caused by me missing a dose, I immediately started again. The zaps then stopped.
The two week holiday was a respite from the problems on the work front, however I didn't feel I was myself on the holiday. I didn't drink alcohol and couldn't get into the spirit of things. Eventually the sun did come out but sitting in it seemed to increase my agitation. Sudden loud noises were beginning to irritate me - unavoidable when you are sitting around a pool and kids are screaming and splashing around, basically enjoying themselves much to the increasing annoyance of myself.
I'd go for walks alone instead of sitting at the beach or around a pool - I didn't like the feelings I was getting at these loud noises - I would clench my fist and hold in the feeling of anger. I became very tired way too easily - one minute I was wide awake, then next I was 'comatose'. I was waking but not feeling that 'refreshed' feeling one does after 8, 9 sometimes 10 hours sleep! Sure, when we are depressed our bodies tend to shut down and sleep is a common trait in the depressed... so I've been told. But this was more than sleep, this was literally like hibernation!
The early days of taking Seroxat have become a blur, there isn't much I can remember.
I started to become violent in my sleep. I remember my then wife telling me that I had woken next to her in the middle of the night. I had climbed on top of her and placed my hands around her throat, with all her strength she threw me off - I, she said, rolled over and continued to sleep. I had no recollection that this event had taken place when I woke in the morning. On another occasion I lashed out at her during sleep. Again, I had no recollection of this incident. Things were strained between us and it was decided that I sleep elsewhere, the couch downstairs was the obvious choice as I didn't want to get into the same bed as my children through fear of attacking them whilst I slept.
Sudden loud noises became a real problem for me, with three children in the house I found it intolerable and would have to leave the room, sometimes house, just to get away from the noise. I started to feel alienated (distanced) from my own family. The children tried their best but how can children play without making noise. They are grown up now and my eldest recently told me 'Dad, it was like literally walking on egg shells'. That saddened me because it was something that was out of my control and something that had only started when I took Seroxat.
As the nightmare continued, my employers agreed to finish me off and an agreement was reached for a retirement package. One would think that a sudden windfall of cash would have brought me back into reality. It didn't. I was numb and at times I thought I was on a different planet with back-to-front time zones. Night sweats, confusion, lack of empathy and blurred or delayed vision became common. I felt like a prisoner in my own home. People complain about Seroxat withdrawal... all of the above happened when I was not withdrawing.
Things came to a head and I tried to take my own life by swallowing 20 or so Seroxat tablets. My then wife was on holiday with a friend. I just wanted out, I didn't care for anything, I had put weight on, my marriage was a sham, my children would take a wide berth when walking past me and would rarely talk with me for fear of me 'snapping'. I just did not care about anything, a complete lack of empathy for everyone and everything. I wanted the old me back, wanted my children to have a dad again. I couldn't see how that could happen. Here I was with a lump sum of money yet I was considerably withdrawn from reality. My world seemed my own and nobody else's. I didn't want anyone else to come into my world because I knew they wouldn't like it.
After I swallowed the tablets I phoned a friend who lived nearby - it was one of the rare occasions where reality had dawned and I realised that I had made a huge mistake. My friend phoned an ambulance and I was admitted to hospital and kept in for observation overnight.
A few months went by and my GP had prescribed me the liquid form of Seroxat, a sickly orange liquid administered with an oral syringe. As I recall, I think I had told him that I wanted [needed] to come off Seroxat as it was making my life a complete misery. I think I had tried tapering by halving the tablets or taking one instead of two. It's all quite blurry. Basically, I had no guidance, nobody could tell me how to slowly taper and what programme to follow. The manufacturer [GSK] offered no guidance on the patient information leaflet, I think the only guidance they offer to day is that 'you must taper slowly' or words to that effect.
I moved out of the marital home, leaving my 3 sons behind me. Again, I felt no emotion. I moved across the city to live with my sister. She educated herself on withdrawal problems and made things really comfortable for me. I owe her a great debt. I lived with her and her two children for about 5 months before being given keys to a one bedroom council flat just around the corner from her. In fact, part of the reason I was able to live so close to her was because the Housing Department had agreed that I needed someone close by to help me through withdrawal. I guess I have GSK to thank for my one bedroom council flat.
I was elated when I got my own place, it meant I could see my children again, more importantly show them how their dad was getting better because I was tapering - and had been during my time spent living with my sister.
The zaps were still with me as was the irregular sleep patterns but I was happy in myself that I was 'getting there'.
18 months from 40mg to 22mg and I was reading comments on the internet from GSK employee, Mary Anne Rhyne, claiming that “discontinuation reactions” last for about 2 weeks. Hmmm, longest two weeks I have ever known!'
Enough was enough, so I decided against my GP's wishes to go cold turkey. He told me to keep in touch on a regular basis and we did via email. My GP had sometime previously stopped prescribing Seroxat to new patients because he had witnessed what I had gone through and had read documents that I had read on the internet and printed for him.
I still allowed my children to come see me for the first few days but then things got really bad. I became violent in my thoughts - I yearned confrontation.
Days and nights passed and I would control the zaps jolting through my body by wrapping a soaking wet ice cold towel around my head. I'd also wrap ice cubes in a smaller towel and place this on the back of my neck. This helped somewhat with the zaps. I'd go for walks in the middle of the night - As I recall this was during the months of Feb/March and it was a particularly cold year. I would walk with just a t-shirt on - the cold biting at my naked arms - I didn't care - anything to take away the zaps – Anything!
I was living in a nightmare, although I had no fear, no fear at all, quite the contrary. I would walk through a country park that backs on to where I live, walk through during the early hours of the morning. I didn't care if I was stopped by gangs of youths, I would 'let them have it' - this was my mindset - I wanted violence.
It was a rough journey and one that I would never recommend to anyone. I've lost friends because of Seroxat, I've lost the woman I married, more importantly [to me] I lost a very precious moment in any father's life - I had missed my children growing up. I locked myself in my flat and after a period of about 3 months [cold turkey] the demon had finally been banished. The clouds had parted and for the first time in six years I felt like Bob Fiddaman again.
The withdrawal hell of Seroxat doesn't look like much when reading about it. One has to experience it at first hand to fully understand just how debilitating it can be.
So there you have it, Matt. GSK messed my life up and are continuing to mess with other people’s lives. I don't want them to do that so I write about them.
In all I was on the liquid Seroxat for a total of 18 months, weaning down from 40mg per day to 22mg per day - it was a long process but It was something I needed to do. This drug had control of me, my thoughts, my emotions, dare I say it, my whole life.
Q: The issue of side effects is an extremely controversial one - you mentioned withdrawal and suicidality, there, which I know are regarded as issues with the drug, now, even though it is still denied that suicidality, for instance, impacts the over-30s, and that it is still claimed, officially, that the severity of withdrawal is overstated. You mentioned that you connected your withdrawal symptoms with the drug, almost instantly. What made you think it was the drug, and not, say, a virus, or something you ate?
Well my initial reaction to the feeling of 'sun-stroke' as mentioned in my first answer to question 1 was that it was just that - Sun stroke. It was only when I added the dots and crossed the T's that I realised that here had been no sun at all, therefore sun stroke could be ruled out. At the time I was 35 or 36 I think and had gone through life as your average Brit, contracting the usual minor ailments, Influenza, Chickenpox, the common cold, et al. This feeling of an electric-like sensation was very strange indeed. I could have been wrong, it could have been something far more sinister like a brain tumour but here I am 8 years on. What occurred after that [the 6 years on Seroxat] would lead me to believe that it was an adverse reaction to Seroxat. If, at that given time, it would have been listed on the patient information leaflet (“PIL”)(10), I doubt very much if I would have had to experience it because I would have been very careful not to miss a dose. The PIL back then was vague - it has slightly improved but is still of little use. Today GSK suggests that a patient taper slowly. That's all well and dandy but how can one taper slowly from a single tablet? GSK should amend the PIL and tell it like it is, something along the lines of 'Patients may experience head zaps and jolts through the body, this is a result of your brain crying out for more serotonin, do not attempt to ride the storm because there have been many instances of patients who have completely gone berserk when experiencing these types of reactions. Your GP must prescribe you the liquid suspension form of Seroxat, a form that we manufactured initially because people had trouble swallowing tablets, Using the liquid is the only way to come off Seroxat for some patients and we, as a caring company don't wish to see patients suffering anymore that what they should'
I of course jest. The chances of GSK admitting they have a defective drug are very slim. The whole withdrawal issue, if you pardon the pun, grinds my teeth. Little is being done about it by our regulator [MHRA]. They tout the yellow card system but have they themselves seen the flaws in it? Nowhere does it ask the patient about what level of depression they have. The patient is asked what they are taking their drugs for. If someone were to fill one of these yellow cards in they would probably say -
DRUG: Seroxat -
YOUR ILLNESS - Depression.
The MHRA then go away and log it into their system of adverse reports about the drugs they 'regulate'. The suited scientists stuck in the 60's, 70's and 80's will merely pass the 'zaps' off as part of the illness. It's absurd, it's deeply flawed and is basically regulating bugger all.
Q: Yes, this issue of patients being told that what they believe to be withdrawal is in fact their "condition" is one that I've seen mentioned, before. Despite the prevalence of these "electric zaps", do you think that this is a matter of ignorance, on the part of frontline physicians? Incidentally, can you illustrate the zapping sensation, for us - can you think of something more mundane that non-patients might understand?
Well ignorance is bliss... or so they say. The MHRA, NHS, Physicians and GlaxoSmithKline won't recognise withdrawal because it does not affect them. It will only affect them if they acknowledge it because they will have a lot of angry people banging down their doors saying 'We told you so'.
Passing withdrawal off as part of the illness is a classic example of this facade. 'Hey mate you are ill, deal with it because we don't want to help you get better' kind of attitude. The risk-benefit propaganda is something you write about, Matt. They [MHRA, GSK, NHS] cannot tell us what the benefits are of taking Seroxat, yet with a whim can say that the balance of Seroxat helping the patient is better than Seroxat causing the patient damage or adverse reactions. To recap: They all know about the severity of withdrawal but choose to ignore it because of stubbornness rather than ignorance and, in GSK's case, it would damage sales... bit late for that now seeing as one only has to Google the word 'Seroxat' to find blogs such as yours, Seroxat Secrets, GSK Licence To Kill and a host of many others.
Imagine a light bulb 'fizzing' because it has a loose connection. Now put that light bulb inside your head. Basically, Matt, it feels like your brain is frying. It affects your vision and your balance. Many times, my attention was distracted, to which I responded by turning my head so my eyes could see what that distraction was. My head would get there a split second before my eyes, thus causing dizziness. There would be times when I was supping on a cup of tea and my whole body would 'twitch' - it felt like someone had prodded me with an electrical charge. All of these whilst that bulb was still fizzing inside my head. I used to walk around the room waiting for the next jolt. I didn't want to turn my head because of the whole eye movement thing. To try and sit still while all this was going on was nigh on impossible. It would have been easier to stick pins in my skin, at least I could have anticipated the pain - with the zaps you could never tell when they were coming. Many hot drinks were spilled as yet another ripped through me. I have never known a depressed person (without medication) to complain of zaps ripping through his body - have you?
Q: So, if I held onto an electric stock fence, with an irregular, unpredictable pulse, and played white noise at high volume, that would give me some idea? Going back to what you were saying about withdrawal - doesn't GSK acknowledge that 30% of all Seroxat patients experience withdrawal, now? Do you think that's an accurate figure?
I'd be more prone to think that it was like being poked by a cattle prod only not so severe. I couldn't estimate the level of 'Voltage' I got but it was enough to make me drop things I happened to be holding. You know when you wet the rim of a wine glass and rub your finger around it? Think about the noise when it reaches its highest pitch... now imagine how irritating that noise is. You got it? Well, triple that feeling, add a series of random muscle spasms and you have a dose of the zaps. Throw a sudden loud noise in and imagine your head caving in.
Yeh 30%. Quite where they get their figures from baffles me though - unless they are reacting to MHRA yellow card reports? Put it this way, if a product works we [the public] sing its praises. The manufacturer covers itself in garlands and reap the rewards [money]. Glaxo have it both ways. I would estimate that the negativity about this drug in the media and over the Internet far outweighs the positivity about it. Glaxo still reap the rewards, though the garland wilters - the money kind of comforts that blow though.
Glaxo may acknowledge that some patients experiencing withdrawal. A single word on a patient information leaflet is just not good enough. It needs to go into more detail or at least they need to set up a special hotline that deals specifically with Seroxat withdrawal, after all it is their product that causes the withdrawal. The upshot, Matt, is that Seroxat is addictive and nobody can convince me otherwise, not Glaxo, not the NHS nor the MHRA.
18 months to taper from 40mg per day to 22mg per day? C'mon. I've read stories of heroin addicts weaning off their poison more quickly than it took me to wean off Seroxat.
Q: In answer to your earlier question, "no I've never heard of unmedicated depressives experiencing these zaps," though I confess that I've carried out no polls! Now, you mention "addiction," which is another bone of contention, isn't it? The official line (ie, the recent Committee on the Safety of Medicines Expert Working Group report(11)), is that no SSRI is addictive, but that they do give rise to withdrawal, which is a symptom of addiction, within certain preferred definitions (eg DSM-IV(12)), but not addiction, itself. What's your take on that, and does it really matter what one calls the experience?
Well I can only go by personal experience. I smoke cigarettes and crave one if I go for long periods without one. I actually quit some years ago for the best part of a year, I didn't get side effects apart from the first few weeks of wanting one - more of a habit than an addiction. Yet, the government recognises smoking as an addiction. When my Seroxat tablets were running out I used to collect my prescription and head off to the chemist over the road from the surgery. On one occasion they told me that they were out of Seroxat and could I come back tomorrow? I broke out into a sweat as I knew that I would not be able to get through the night without my 'fix'. I refused to leave the chemists and they sent an employee to another shop down the street to get me 40mg of Seroxat just to help get me through the day. After that experience I used to dread walking into a chemist only to be told that they were 'out of Seroxat'. I can say with hand on heart that if any chemist had ever refused to help me I would have willingly ripped the shop apart until they could give me what I wanted. That Matt, is an addiction problem.
GSK knows there is a problem with Seroxat as does the MHRA, I am convinced of this. To admit that there is an addiction problem now would show up the regulator’s past incompetence. I would be prepared to overlook and I would even shake the hand of the MHRA CEO and thank him for acknowledging what I and others have been saying for years. The semantics used by GSK is purely spin, nothing more, nothing less. What's even more confusing is Alistair Benbow's(13) claim on BBC TV's Panorama -:
"Whilst acknowledging that patients will get symp… or may get symptoms on stopping Seroxat, although we still don’t think – and I'm absolutely certain that Seroxat is not addictive – that language was clearly misunderstood and therefore we have proposed that we will take out that specific wording."(14)
I know it is addictive because I was hooked on it. I guess we will never know unless Grassley gets his way in the United States.
Q: LOL. My Legal Method and Legal Systems professor, Dr Lindsay Farmer, once advised my seminar group that when a judge gets a dictionary out, in order to interpret a statute, then one ought to be prepared for a piece of bad law to be made! I seem to remember that the EWG report was a very dry read, on the question of addiction! I think it was claimed that patients weren't subject to the necessary craving/seeking of the drug, amongst other things, to qualify it as addictive. You mention Benbow, there - he excites a considerable amount of invective - you were threatened by GSK's lawyers(15), earlier in the year, concerning a video that was intended to demonstrate the inconsistencies in his public claims, weren't you? Did anything ever come of that?
Well as you know Matt I publicly apologised for my comment about Benbow and also removed the video from Youtube. I had apparently caused him a great deal of distress with not only the comment, but the video, too. The irony of it was that the video was, in essence, a slide show of comments made by Benbow juxtaposed with news stories. Glaxo's lawyers didn't like me using the GSK logo or pictures of Benbow that were apparently the property of GSK. I never heard whether Benbow accepted my apology. I did find it strange that GSK targeted me yet when the video was re-uploaded to Youtube by someone else they didn't really seem to have a problem with it? The support I got from advocates was quite overwhelming. It was a show of strength and if anything put Seroxat Sufferers on the map. The actual video in question has now been posted on blogs and has received more coverage than it ever would have by remaining on Youtube. My blog was created to raise awareness, occasionally I will sound off. On this occasion GSK lawyers actually directed visitors to my blog. I think they rarely get involved in personal opinions because they know that it will direct traffic to the awareness being raised. They almost definitely made an error of judgment in this instance. Proof that lawyers don't always make the right call... even highly paid ones such as GSK's.
Q: Well, lawyers, like most, I suppose, act according to instructions, and because they're getting paid to act. We'll probably never know what those instructions were, but the warning letter you received was probably their best effort at carrying out those instructions. I wanted to talk a bit more about the side effect profile of Seroxat - the suicidality issue, specifically. Again, the official line, whilst acknowledging that it is a problem, minimizes the risk. How do you see that?
It is difficult to prove that Seroxat causes suicide because of the underlying circumstances in most of the cases. Again the suicidal thoughts issue could be down to the reasons why the patient is actually on the medication... at least that's the route GSK lawyers would take I guess?
It's a strange route to take wouldn't you say?
I mean, by their own admission, GSK admitted that it could cause suicidal thoughts in children - I say 'admission' when in actual fact they were backed into a corner in admitting this fact.
So, if they admit it causes suicidal thoughts in children could it be feasible that it can cause suicidal thoughts in adults?
Here's Alasdair Breckenridge’s, Chairman of the MHRA, take on things:
“There is very good clinical trial evidence that these drugs do not cause suicide, they do not cause suicidal thoughts in adults.”(16)
And Benbow:
"The evidence, however, is clear, these medicines are not linked with suicide, these medicines are not linked with an increased rate of self harm."(17)
Given what we know now, Matt, in fact what we [Advocates] have known for some considerable time, I lean toward the school of thought that suggests Seroxat does cause suicide or suicidal thoughts in adults. Donald Schell murdered his wife, daughter, and granddaughter in a fit of rage shortly after starting Paxil. He then took his own life by blowing his brains out with the murder weapon. The remaining members of the family won a multi-million dollar settlement from the GlaxoSmithKline(18). The phrase 'Enough said' springs to mind.
Q: Suicidality, as a side effect, is now acknowledged on the PIL, but officially at least, it is only the under-30s who are at risk (or the under-25s, if one lives in the Antipodes, I think). The case you mention, Tobin v Smithkline Beecham, was a civil case, of course, and SKB (and subsequently, GSK), continued to maintain that the drug was safe in over-30s, presumably because the standard of burden of proof [“on the balance of probabilities“] is much lower in civil cases [than the criminal standard of “beyond reasonable doubt“]. The EWG came to the same conclusion, in its report: the older demographic is safe, and relevant government sources have followed this line. Aside from successful civil actions (of which Tobin was just the first), what leads you to think that GSK, the MHRA and the UK government are mistaken?
Because of the evidence Matt - See the recent Glenmullen report(19). Because of GSK's reluctance to come forward with the suicide data in the paediatric studies - it took them years. Because of the 'experts' they hired to basically pimp Seroxat - Martin Keller(20) et al. Because of the online Paxil petition and patient comments(21).
I don't think GSK, the MHRA and the UK government are mistaken, I think they are aware but such an admittance would have drastic consequences for all those concerned... or not as the case may be.
I have used this analogy before Matt. If Heinz Baked Beans sold their wares and it was proven that one of the ingredients caused children to commit suicide or have suicidal thoughts, do you honestly think that they would remain on sale? OK, baked beans don't profess to cure an illness like Seroxat does but the fact remains - if the make-up of the beans was detrimental to one age group then common sense would be to pull the product. I cannot think of any other product on the market today that is being sold to members of the public where it has been proven to cause serious danger in children, unless of course alcohol and cigarettes are thrown into the pot. Thing is we all know the dangers of alcohol and cigarettes, what we don't know are the dangers of Seroxat. Step forward the risk-benefit ratio - the figures just don't add up.
Q: There's countermanding evidence, then, and from expert sources? That could, of course, simply be an alternative reading of the available facts. You touched on the issue of "efficacy," there - it is argued that the drug is sufficiently beneficial to justify its continued availability, notwithstanding the side effects, now acknowledged to an extent, of course. Given that you questioned the "benefit," in an earlier answer, do you regard the drug as not being sufficiently efficacious to justify these risks?
From my own personal experience, Yes. A total of 21 months to taper off it was not beneficial to me. Taking Seroxat... or rather withdrawing from Seroxat took away almost 2 years of my life. I would say that taking away someone’s right to live as they want isn't beneficial to anyone.
Seroxat can help people through depression, I don't think I or other campaigners have an issue with that. Our issue is that it is so difficult to get off of and when trying one is faced with a whole host of adverse reactions. For me, these reactions far outweigh the 'benefits' of taking Seroxat. Like you, Matt, I still do not know what the benefits are of taking Seroxat. I do know that whatever they are, they do not outweigh the risks as GSK and the MHRA would have us believe.
Way I see it, the only possible answer GSK or the MHRA could give regarding the 'benefits' of Seroxat would be 'because it helps people with depression'. Put that up against the list of adverse reactions on the patient information leaflet and/or the 'anecdotal reports' then we have a serious imbalance in benefits and costs.
Q: But there's an objective assessment of efficacy, isn't there? There must be, or else the MHRA wouldn't be able to carry out a risk:benefit analysis. I know that NICE(22) has decided that a drug must alleviate the symptoms of depression better than placebo - three points better, on Hamilton DRS, than placebo. Is NICE's measurement of efficacy different to the MHRA's, and if it's the same, is three Hamilton points an acceptable trade-off against the withdrawal effects and suicidality that we've discussed?
It's hard to judge, Matt. The MHRA will receive the yellow card reports citing adverse reactions to Seroxat, they will log them and... well, that's basically it! They have nothing to put them up against. I think where they fail is that they assume all the others taking Seroxat who haven't made a complaint or filled in a yellow card must be happy with Seroxat. That's the way I see it, anyhow. I really can't see any other logical explanation for their reluctance to condemn Seroxat. They grant a licence to a drug, they get complaints - I, myself, am not asking for Seroxat to be removed from the shelves, I am asking for the whole withdrawal issue to be acknowledged and for the MHRA to stand with the patients on this and not the manufacturer. I can't really get into the Hamilton points thing as it is something that I have not really studied and I wouldn't feel comfortable talking about it.
To sum it up.
RISKS = Loads.
Now, I'm no Einstein but I'm guessing that the figures don't add up!
Q: Withdrawal is acknowledged as an issue, to an extent (ie, it's on the PIL, and the EWG accepted it was a factor in the use of all SSRIs). What are you hoping for, from the MHRA, over and above what it's already doing?
Well, to act, Matt. The MHRA seems to be doing a lot of listening but nothing more.
I've publicly stated what I want from them.
There is currently no guidance on withdrawal other than what it states on the patient information leaflet. I would want the MHRA to liaise with someone like David Healy so they could at least offer some sort of withdrawal programme for those suffering severe withdrawal. This programme would have to be available at surgeries and NOT just as a download on the MHRA website.
I would want them to send a 'Dear Doctor' letter out to health centres in the UK stating that any patient suffering from withdrawal with Seroxat MUST be prescribed the liquid suspension and given a programme of withdrawal [see above]
I would want special clinics set up for those suffering withdrawal... even a 24 hour hotline specifically set up to talk to patients going through the withdrawal process. A patient can feel suicidal when withdrawing too fast, they may have the choice of ringing the Samaritans but would a volunteer at the Samaritans actually know what it feels like to be 'coming down' from Seroxat?
The MHRA needs to liaise with the government on this. If Pharma want to fund it then so be it, but they cannot have any influence on those handing out the guidance. Who better to operate these guidelines than former withdrawal sufferers?
Maybe a special warning needs to be included on packs of Seroxat, such as there is with packets of cigarettes. Not every patient reads the PIL but I do think patients would take notice if a warning was slapped on the box.
They [MHRA] may think it's an awful lot to ask for, I would have to disagree. They are in a position to stop un-needed suffering, they have an opportunity to show how much they care about safeguarding human health.
They ARE listening... I'll give them that and the communication HAS improved but it's time for action, it's time for them to prove to the patient that they are not in Pharma's pocket.
Q: Well, aside from the question of funding, none of the things that you mention appears outlandish, and, perhaps more importantly, none requires that GSK/other takes the blame for what has gone before, nor even acknowledges that a wrong, in the shape of knowledge of what was happening, has taken place. Aside from any adjustments to the PIL, which would obviously require agreement from GSK and the MHRA, have you considered de-looping the authorities, and setting up your own helpline, perhaps in conjunction with Seroxat User Group - in that way, you wouldn't be beholden to anybody?
I would bend over backwards to help people suffering withdrawal Matt. One phone line just wouldn't be enough and then of course there is the money required to set up such a thing. I would help run such a service but it would be logistically impossible to man a phoneline as I have a life too. If anyone wishes to start such a 'helpline' up then I would be willing to do my share of work on it... Unfortunately, there are many people who 'bad mouth' GSK but don't have the commitment to stand next to their convictions. I'm not blaming them because I know how time consuming it can be and how intimidating they or their lawyers can be. Thing is, the UK bloggers cannot do everything... at some point someone has to step in and say 'We realise that help is needed... what about x,y or z', will that help you?
The MHRA knows pretty much what I want and what I feel is best for all concerned. Time will tell whether or not I get it.
There is one fact that cannot be denied, by anybody: a lot of people are experiencing suffering. This may be because of the drug, and it may not. The cause ought to be irrelevant to a determination to seek a solution. So:
1. We have a bunch of desperate people, who are complaining;
2. It seems that everybody is expending more effort in denying responsibility than in seeing what they might be able to do to help those people;
3. Why is that?
We already know that there is a limit to what activists can do, given our financial resources, or lack, thereof. There is also the factor of selfishness, if that's not too blunt a word - nobody who could help will help, because they perceive it (or want it), to be somebody else's responsibility (ie, they don't want to expend time, effort and money, when somebody else might be expending time, effort and money). Finally, nobody appears to know how to begin to address the issue, and therefore it's easier to not acknowledge it (or else blame it on the people experiencing it), than it is to acknowledge that they don't know what to do, when this simple thing would be the first step towards understanding. In part, this may be to avoid acknowledging a lack of expertise in an area in which they are supposed to be expert.
The objective as I perceive it is to have withdrawal sufferers to not feel as desperate as they do (irrespective of how achievable one believes that goal to be that is, nevertheless, the goal). Nothing that's being done contributes towards that objective, as far as I can see.
Matthew Holford, LlB, FICA
(1) Bob Fiddaman is the author of Seroxat Sufferers. He has been raising awareness for three years regarding the safety and efficacy of Seroxat.
(2) Dr. L. Gary Hart, PhD is an endowed professor in the College of Public Health at the University of Arizona and Director of the Arizona Rural Health Office.
(3) Michelle "Shelly" Hart is a Registered Nurse currently writing a book on Paroxetine withdrawal after having had a severe withdrawal reaction stopping the medication.
(4) Matthew Holford is a Law graduate and Financial Compliance professional, whose interest in SSRIs began in 2004/5, when he experienced a severe reaction to fluoxetine.
(5) GlaxoSmithKline was formed in 2001, through the merger of Glaxo Wellcome and Smithkline Beecham, a merger overseen by the recently departed CEO of GSK, Jean Pierre Garnier.
(6) The MHRA “is the government agency which is responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work, and are acceptably safe.” It was created in 2003, through the merger of two government agencies, the Medicines Control Agency, and the Medical Devices Agency.
(7) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs, are said to relieve the symptoms of depression by blocking the reabsortion of serotonin, once a chemical message has been passed across a synapse. Doubt has been cast upon this hypothesis, to the extent that manufacturers acknowledge that it is not known how SSRIs work, which assumes that they do work.
(8) Seroxat is the name under which paroxetine hydrochloride is marketed, in the UK. The drug is also known as Paxil, Aropax, Deroxat and Motivan.
(9) “General Practitioner” is the term applied to primary care doctors, in the UK. “Family Physician,” or “General Internist” would be the equivalent terms, in the US.
(10) PILs became mandatory, in the UK, in 1996. Leaflets, providing information on drugs, had been available prior to this, but this was done on a voluntary basis, and the information contained therein had not been formalized. According to the MHRA, the PIL is a collaboration between the manufacturer, which remains responsible for the wording, at all times, and the regulator, which approves it.
(11) See The Report of the CSM Expert Working Group on the Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Antidepressants, published in 2003.
(12) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, currently in its fourth edition, published by the American Psychiatric Association, “is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States.”
(13) Dr Alistair Benbow is Head of European Clinical Psychiatry, at GSK. He has featured regularly as a spokesperson, in defence of Seroxat.
(14) BBC Panorama, "Taken on Trust," 21 September, 2004
(15) See, for example, Pharmalot's Glaxo, an Angry Blogger and Free Speech
(16) Ibid.
(17) Ibid.
(18) Tobin v Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals 164 F. Supp.2d 1278 (D. Wyo. 2001) . See also Paul Whitehead, MD, Causality and Collateral Estoppel: Process and Content of Recent SSRI, Litigation, J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, 31:377-92, 2003
(19) Report of Joseph Glenmullen, August, 2007
(20) Dr. Martin Keller is the Mary E. Zucker Professor and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown Medical School in Providence, RI, as well as Executive Psychiatrist-in-Chief at the seven Brown Medical School affiliated hospitals. He is alleged to have put his name to an academic article, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, which he did not write, and had not seen the data supporting the conclusions drawn to the effect that Seroxat was efficacious and safe in the treatment of minors.
(21) Seroxat Withdrawal Comments
(22) The UK’s National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence, or NICE, is responsible for drafting guidance to GPs, concerning best practice in the treatment of medical conditions. It is also responsible for approving drugs for use on the National Health Service.
Seroxat is also known as Paxil and Aropax. Blog exposes Bob Fiddaman Human rights abuser who won two SCIENTOLOGY CCHR (human rights!) awards.
blogs created to prevent or detect a crime
This blog is brougt to you consistent with subsection 3 of the Protection from Harassment Act - i.e. blogs created to prevent or detect a crime
Sunday, 31 August 2008
In a post headed "Tough week for Fids" Serox O'Prat gave away the name of his son on the net.(but gained lots of attention to feed his cravings)
Monday, July 16, 2007
Tough week for the Fids
My youngest son turned 17 last friday.
He went to the Isle of Wight to celebrate with his friends.
On Saturday night he was stabbed in the stomach in an unprovoked attack along a coastal path.
His friend, James, was slashed across the face and stabeed in the leg resulting in a severed artery.
Both, I'm pleased to say, are doing fine. My son, Gary had stitches to the 4cm deep wound he recieved whilst James was kept in hospital for two nights.
What a crazy fucked up world we live in.
Posted by Fiddy
4 Comments - Show Original Post
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Julie said...
Hang in there Fiddy. Tell your son and his friend hang in there too. They will get through this.
I will be praying for you guys to get through this ordeal as quickly and as easily as possible.
And yes we do live in a fucked up world. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and it should not be that way.
All the best to you and yours Fid.
Manie's Mom
3:31 AM
Radagast said...
Tell your son and his friend "hey" from the Shock and Awe Division, will you?
10:32 AM
Cindy said...
So sorry to hear what happened to your son and his friend.Its so sad that people have such a disreguard for life.You are all in my prayers.Hang tough.
God Bless
Cindy, Manie's aunt
2:01 PM
Shutah said...
So sorry to read about your son and his friend Fid. Ditto your comments on the world we live in!! To quote the Yanks ... it sucks!! Be strong for your boy! Try not to let this event turn your anger inwards.
Thinking of you
With best wishes
7:04 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Tough week for the Fids
My youngest son turned 17 last friday.
He went to the Isle of Wight to celebrate with his friends.
On Saturday night he was stabbed in the stomach in an unprovoked attack along a coastal path.
His friend, James, was slashed across the face and stabeed in the leg resulting in a severed artery.
Both, I'm pleased to say, are doing fine. My son, Gary had stitches to the 4cm deep wound he recieved whilst James was kept in hospital for two nights.
What a crazy fucked up world we live in.
Posted by Fiddy
4 Comments - Show Original Post
Collapse comments
Julie said...
Hang in there Fiddy. Tell your son and his friend hang in there too. They will get through this.
I will be praying for you guys to get through this ordeal as quickly and as easily as possible.
And yes we do live in a fucked up world. Sometimes bad things happen to good people and it should not be that way.
All the best to you and yours Fid.
Manie's Mom
3:31 AM
Radagast said...
Tell your son and his friend "hey" from the Shock and Awe Division, will you?
10:32 AM
Cindy said...
So sorry to hear what happened to your son and his friend.Its so sad that people have such a disreguard for life.You are all in my prayers.Hang tough.
God Bless
Cindy, Manie's aunt
2:01 PM
Shutah said...
So sorry to read about your son and his friend Fid. Ditto your comments on the world we live in!! To quote the Yanks ... it sucks!! Be strong for your boy! Try not to let this event turn your anger inwards.
Thinking of you
With best wishes
7:04 PM
Saturday, 30 August 2008
You are so far out of order you can't even see yourself any more. Have you no shame?
You are so far out of order you can't even see yourself any more
Have you no shame?
Is there nothing you wont stoop to just to make a point?
Doubting you have the guts to apologise to Jeremy (let alone your sons), do you not understand it's long past time you stopped this?
And don't say you will after Jeremy does. Whatever he does, you are responsible for yourself
Get on with it man - and get a life, for goodness' sake
Have you no shame?
Is there nothing you wont stoop to just to make a point?
Doubting you have the guts to apologise to Jeremy (let alone your sons), do you not understand it's long past time you stopped this?
And don't say you will after Jeremy does. Whatever he does, you are responsible for yourself
Get on with it man - and get a life, for goodness' sake
I think with bringing his '?? children ??' in on it (grown men actually)that he's shot himself in both feet.
Very well said Tuesday ,I was thinking it but you said it perfectly.
I think with bringing his '??children??' in on it (grown men actually) that he's shot himself in both feet.
So maybe now he will need a wheelchair?
I can give him tips on using it and make sure he knows that once in it we become 2nd class citizens,pushed ,banged into and obviously invisible .
What got me was the 'mild' OA?When it's still mild you really dont know you've got it !
So I'm the Yahoo expert on wheelchairs and OA , so for a small fee (£5 a time?)I'll answer anyone with queries
about both.But dont tell Benefits agency please as they're fussy about that sort of thing for some reason.
Talking of B/agency ,some-one (or more) on Seroxat User Group tried to stitch Tony up with them some years back and we had DSS come to our door.(Following some people contacting me after $cientology reared it's ugly head ,it seems it was who we suspected all along ,but definitely not Lorraine who somebody told me it 'might' be).
It's all recorded ,
Tony has (@54yrs )osteoporosis with current fractures ,has lost a lot of his bowel ,has an enlarged liver and heart ,dangerously high cholestorel and is type 1 insulin dependent diabetic.
Oh ,I forgot ,he's the oldest living person in UK with his glycogen storage disease ,aka Cori's/Forbes disease.
It's a muscle wasting disease ,it's working his way up from his legs ,destroying the muscles as it goes.
BTW ,we got an apology from DSS ,possibly a first ,and they were annoyed understandably .
I've got severe OA and peripheral neuropathy and lichen scleroses caused by 12yrs+ on paroxetine/Seroxat/Paxil.
At the moment I have a severe limb infection and I'm being threatened with hospital ,but I'm Tonys' carer and I dont want to go in.
Tony collapsed last night and we had to get out of hours docs out.
He's OK today.
I think with bringing his '??children??' in on it (grown men actually) that he's shot himself in both feet.
So maybe now he will need a wheelchair?
I can give him tips on using it and make sure he knows that once in it we become 2nd class citizens,pushed ,banged into and obviously invisible .
What got me was the 'mild' OA?When it's still mild you really dont know you've got it !
So I'm the Yahoo expert on wheelchairs and OA , so for a small fee (£5 a time?)I'll answer anyone with queries
about both.But dont tell Benefits agency please as they're fussy about that sort of thing for some reason.
Talking of B/agency ,some-one (or more) on Seroxat User Group tried to stitch Tony up with them some years back and we had DSS come to our door.(Following some people contacting me after $cientology reared it's ugly head ,it seems it was who we suspected all along ,but definitely not Lorraine who somebody told me it 'might' be).
It's all recorded ,
Tony has (@54yrs )osteoporosis with current fractures ,has lost a lot of his bowel ,has an enlarged liver and heart ,dangerously high cholestorel and is type 1 insulin dependent diabetic.
Oh ,I forgot ,he's the oldest living person in UK with his glycogen storage disease ,aka Cori's/Forbes disease.
It's a muscle wasting disease ,it's working his way up from his legs ,destroying the muscles as it goes.
BTW ,we got an apology from DSS ,possibly a first ,and they were annoyed understandably .
I've got severe OA and peripheral neuropathy and lichen scleroses caused by 12yrs+ on paroxetine/Seroxat/Paxil.
At the moment I have a severe limb infection and I'm being threatened with hospital ,but I'm Tonys' carer and I dont want to go in.
Tony collapsed last night and we had to get out of hours docs out.
He's OK today.
Firstly Bob … sorry but using your children … is one the most appalling actions I've seen taken by anyone on the forums …
Firstly Bob … sorry but using your children … is one the most appalling actions I've seen taken by anyone on the forums …
I don't know what you were trying to achieve by doing it – but it does give the impression of someone who will stoop to any depths to achieve their own objectives ….
but –
as you have brought them into this – and as they are actually more adult than child –
Perhaps you should show them some respect, integrity and discernment - and show them all the posts involved - not just the ones you've chosen to show them.
They'll look anyway - now they know where too!!!
In your `son's' letter - he say's you don't use a wheel chair ……….
You claimed my dad had no wheelchair in Bangkok with the photo you
have of him. Why would he need a wheelchair? Why have you got a photo
of him? Having a disability does not mean you need a wheelchair.
in fact he actually asks - why would you need a wheelchair !?!
Sadly - what your son seems totally oblivious to – is that the picture and comment about you not having a wheelchair - appeared on the Bobfiddaman blogspot – after you posted the following
"I suppose people in wheelchairs are not allowed to travel now Jeremy?
The logic of your argument is paper thin."
implying - you do need to use a wheelchair!
Which is obviously where the poster got the information from …...
and no doubt this was also written and posted to succour support from people here by making yourself appear more of a disabled victim than you are!
Your logic and arguments appear to be transparent … all smoke and mirrors!
I'll let the lurkers and posters on here make up their own minds.
BTW - I'm going off line now and will be away until tomorrow evening - when I will reply to your other posts and any responses to the two I have just posted.
Firstly Bob … sorry but using your children … is one the most appalling actions I've seen taken by anyone on the forums …
I don't know what you were trying to achieve by doing it – but it does give the impression of someone who will stoop to any depths to achieve their own objectives ….
but –
as you have brought them into this – and as they are actually more adult than child –
Perhaps you should show them some respect, integrity and discernment - and show them all the posts involved - not just the ones you've chosen to show them.
They'll look anyway - now they know where too!!!
In your `son's' letter - he say's you don't use a wheel chair ……….
You claimed my dad had no wheelchair in Bangkok with the photo you
have of him. Why would he need a wheelchair? Why have you got a photo
of him? Having a disability does not mean you need a wheelchair.
in fact he actually asks - why would you need a wheelchair !?!
Sadly - what your son seems totally oblivious to – is that the picture and comment about you not having a wheelchair - appeared on the Bobfiddaman blogspot – after you posted the following
"I suppose people in wheelchairs are not allowed to travel now Jeremy?
The logic of your argument is paper thin."
implying - you do need to use a wheelchair!
Which is obviously where the poster got the information from …...
and no doubt this was also written and posted to succour support from people here by making yourself appear more of a disabled victim than you are!
Your logic and arguments appear to be transparent … all smoke and mirrors!
I'll let the lurkers and posters on here make up their own minds.
BTW - I'm going off line now and will be away until tomorrow evening - when I will reply to your other posts and any responses to the two I have just posted.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Barb Gogh Orangebeard

Don't think my tekkie friends cannot get stuff too - they know what to do . I know who you are !
I do not believe there is any such place at all !
I do not believe there was a pirate related to Van Gogh either, named Barb Gogh Orangebeard.
You do not fool me with this "postcard" claiming he sent it to me to go for a holiday and it came to you by accident . Van Gogh is dead and his relatives are too !
There are no "Sunflower Trees" as you claim in your email to me . I am no fool ...You are one of those many digi-thing artists like those others that hang around here !
Fiddaman uses his children to back up his failing credibility - How low can a person stoop?
Re: A message from my children. (message 35109 on UKsurvivors)
Hi Bob – sorry I didn't know you'd sneaked back in again - so now I can write to you directly –
Firstly Bob … sorry but using your children … is one the most appalling actions I've seen taken by anyone on the forums …
I don't know what you were trying to achieve by doing it – but it does give the impression of someone who will stoop to any depths to achieve their own objectives ….
but –
as you have brought them into this – and as they are actually more adult than child –
Perhaps you should show them some respect, integrity and discernment - and show them all the posts involved - not just the ones you've chosen to show them.
They'll look anyway - now they know where too!!!
In your `son's' letter - he say's you don't use a wheel chair ……….
You claimed my dad had no wheelchair in Bangkok with the photo you
have of him. Why would he need a wheelchair? Why have you got a photo
of him? Having a disability does not mean you need a wheelchair.
in fact he actually asks - why would you need a wheelchair !?!
Sadly - what your son seems totally oblivious to – is that the picture and comment about you not having a wheelchair - appeared on the Bobfiddaman blogspot – after you posted the following
"I suppose people in wheelchairs are not allowed to travel now Jeremy?
The logic of your argument is paper thin."
implying - you do need to use a wheelchair!
Which is obviously where the poster got the information from …...
and no doubt this was also written and posted to succour support from people here by making yourself appear more of a disabled victim than you are!
Your logic and arguments appear to be transparent … all smoke and mirrors!
I'll let the lurkers and posters on here make up their own minds.
BTW - I'm going off line now and will be away until tomorrow evening - when I will reply to your other posts and any responses to the two I have just posted.
Hi Bob – sorry I didn't know you'd sneaked back in again - so now I can write to you directly –
Firstly Bob … sorry but using your children … is one the most appalling actions I've seen taken by anyone on the forums …
I don't know what you were trying to achieve by doing it – but it does give the impression of someone who will stoop to any depths to achieve their own objectives ….
but –
as you have brought them into this – and as they are actually more adult than child –
Perhaps you should show them some respect, integrity and discernment - and show them all the posts involved - not just the ones you've chosen to show them.
They'll look anyway - now they know where too!!!
In your `son's' letter - he say's you don't use a wheel chair ……….
You claimed my dad had no wheelchair in Bangkok with the photo you
have of him. Why would he need a wheelchair? Why have you got a photo
of him? Having a disability does not mean you need a wheelchair.
in fact he actually asks - why would you need a wheelchair !?!
Sadly - what your son seems totally oblivious to – is that the picture and comment about you not having a wheelchair - appeared on the Bobfiddaman blogspot – after you posted the following
"I suppose people in wheelchairs are not allowed to travel now Jeremy?
The logic of your argument is paper thin."
implying - you do need to use a wheelchair!
Which is obviously where the poster got the information from …...
and no doubt this was also written and posted to succour support from people here by making yourself appear more of a disabled victim than you are!
Your logic and arguments appear to be transparent … all smoke and mirrors!
I'll let the lurkers and posters on here make up their own minds.
BTW - I'm going off line now and will be away until tomorrow evening - when I will reply to your other posts and any responses to the two I have just posted.
why does Bob labour under an irrational delusion ?
Oh dear - Bob b-logged off again - before I've had a chance to speak with him : (
But as I said before - he'll still be reading - so I will reply to his posts - and apologise to everyone else again before I do.
--- In, "Bob" wrote:
> I see you are up to your old tricks on Network 54
Bob – I'm not sure what you're talking about here – but if you're referring the post `Response+received' added after yours - it's not Jeremy's - it's mine
which I sent direct to the owner - who has put it up under an appropriate subject line which makes it clear it is a response to your post. If you want to comment on it - please do so to me.
And perhaps you can explain exactly what `old tricks' have been employed at network54?
> For the record. I cannot respond, my username and password
> mysteriously don't work.
For the record, the owner of the board has locked it down and made it `Read Only' because they don't want a bun fight on there – it does state quite clearly on the board - if you actually ever bother to read anything!!!
> Hmmm?
> Not to worry
Bob - I would really worry if I were you – especially as you still seem unable to shake of the irrational delusion that I am Jeremy – or that Jeremy is me –
Justice for Seroxat/Paxil/Paroxetine users. "For being a one-man wrecking crew, Fiddy gets my first Bruce Lee Award" - Phil Dawdy,
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Video GSK Wanted Banned
On youtube [again]
This one goes out to UK Survivors... Particularly Jeremy and 'Tuesday' - His alter ego
sorry – but perhaps you are seriously mentally ill.
If the issues weren't so serious - it would be laughable – but it's not.
If you can't get a grip on reality – can you in reality give credance to the those issues?
I can't help wondering if the Seroxat litigants and lawyers can afford or will really want you representing them in discussions with the MHRA?
I don't think I would! Tues
Oh dear - Bob b-logged off again - before I've had a chance to speak with him : (
But as I said before - he'll still be reading - so I will reply to his posts - and apologise to everyone else again before I do.
--- In, "Bob"
> I see you are up to your old tricks on Network 54
Bob – I'm not sure what you're talking about here – but if you're referring the post `Response+received' added after yours - it's not Jeremy's - it's mine
which I sent direct to the owner - who has put it up under an appropriate subject line which makes it clear it is a response to your post. If you want to comment on it - please do so to me.
And perhaps you can explain exactly what `old tricks' have been employed at network54?
> For the record. I cannot respond, my username and password
> mysteriously don't work.
For the record, the owner of the board has locked it down and made it `Read Only' because they don't want a bun fight on there – it does state quite clearly on the board - if you actually ever bother to read anything!!!
> Hmmm?
> Not to worry
Bob - I would really worry if I were you – especially as you still seem unable to shake of the irrational delusion that I am Jeremy – or that Jeremy is me –
Justice for Seroxat/Paxil/Paroxetine users. "For being a one-man wrecking crew, Fiddy gets my first Bruce Lee Award" - Phil Dawdy,
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Video GSK Wanted Banned
On youtube [again]
This one goes out to UK Survivors... Particularly Jeremy and 'Tuesday' - His alter ego
sorry – but perhaps you are seriously mentally ill.
If the issues weren't so serious - it would be laughable – but it's not.
If you can't get a grip on reality – can you in reality give credance to the those issues?
I can't help wondering if the Seroxat litigants and lawyers can afford or will really want you representing them in discussions with the MHRA?
I don't think I would! Tues
So no denial then, that John Watkins MHRA leaked info to Fiddaman. A corrupt regulator colludes with corrupt litigants !
playing the discrimination card July 2000 ........& says I am ready & willing to return to work
discriminated against
1. BOB FIDDAMAN View profile
More options Jul 4 2000, 8:00 am
Date: 2000/07/04
Subject: discriminated against
Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Remove | Report this message | Find messages by this author
I have been been off work for the past four years due to developing
osteoarthritis of both hips. I have asked for a return to work but my
employer, a major car firm, say that there are no jobs for me. I cannot do
my old job as they have declined to make reasonable adjustments to my work
area. I have been turned down by the pension trustees for ill health early
retirement because I do not meet their criteria. I have also been told that
I cannot apply for voluntary redundancy because persons on the long term
absence register cannot apply.
To recap - I am ready and willing to return to work
There is no alternative work for me
I cannot be medically retired because I do not meet the criteria
I cannot have voluntary redundancy because I am on the long term absence
I have been told that if I have a double hip replacement then I may be
offered my job back.
However, my consultant has told me that he does not invisage any surgery at
Could someone on this newsgroup please give me email addresses of
politicians who may be able to help me. Particularly those concerned with
disability issues
Thank you for your time
Reply to author Forward Rate this post:
discriminated against
1. BOB FIDDAMAN View profile
More options Jul 4 2000, 8:00 am
Date: 2000/07/04
Subject: discriminated against
Reply to author | Forward | Print | Individual message | Show original | Remove | Report this message | Find messages by this author
I have been been off work for the past four years due to developing
osteoarthritis of both hips. I have asked for a return to work but my
employer, a major car firm, say that there are no jobs for me. I cannot do
my old job as they have declined to make reasonable adjustments to my work
area. I have been turned down by the pension trustees for ill health early
retirement because I do not meet their criteria. I have also been told that
I cannot apply for voluntary redundancy because persons on the long term
absence register cannot apply.
To recap - I am ready and willing to return to work
There is no alternative work for me
I cannot be medically retired because I do not meet the criteria
I cannot have voluntary redundancy because I am on the long term absence
I have been told that if I have a double hip replacement then I may be
offered my job back.
However, my consultant has told me that he does not invisage any surgery at
Could someone on this newsgroup please give me email addresses of
politicians who may be able to help me. Particularly those concerned with
disability issues
Thank you for your time
Reply to author Forward Rate this post:
Thursday, 28 August 2008
google cache of Fiddaman as Arun Bhanot manager
Arun Bhanot from Birmingham, UK, plays and sings on his debut CD 'WORKING MAN'.
Arun has toured the Pub circuits of Birmingham and has also played some gigs in Phoenix, AZ.
Arun recently played on the opening night of the Blues to the Bone Bar in Perth, W. Australia. He also played at one of the many Quayside bars in Singapore.
Why this name?
Do you play live?
Arun loves performing live and makes the effort at least once a week to reach out to the masses with his acoustic & rock performances.
How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
For unsigned acts it is a gateway to Heaven
Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Your influences?
Bruce Springsteen
Bob Dylan
Stuart Adamson (Big Country)
Favorite spot?
Perth - W. Australia - The most beautiful women on the planet
Anything else...?
All queries to my manager, Bob Fiddaman at
Arun Bhanot from Birmingham, UK, plays and sings on his debut CD 'WORKING MAN'.
Arun has toured the Pub circuits of Birmingham and has also played some gigs in Phoenix, AZ.
Arun recently played on the opening night of the Blues to the Bone Bar in Perth, W. Australia. He also played at one of the many Quayside bars in Singapore.
Why this name?
Do you play live?
Arun loves performing live and makes the effort at least once a week to reach out to the masses with his acoustic & rock performances.
How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
For unsigned acts it is a gateway to Heaven
Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Your influences?
Bruce Springsteen
Bob Dylan
Stuart Adamson (Big Country)
Favorite spot?
Perth - W. Australia - The most beautiful women on the planet
Anything else...?
All queries to my manager, Bob Fiddaman at
need to book Arun Bhanot from Birmingham - then contact his manager Bob Fiddaman (original changed by Fiddaman)
but it's clear in the Google cache that is Bhanot's manager
Arun Bhanot from Birmingham, UK, plays and sings on his debut CD 'WORKING MAN'.
Arun has toured the Pub circuits of Birmingham and has also played some gigs in Phoenix, AZ.
Arun recently played on the opening night of the Blues to the Bone Bar in Perth, W. Australia. He also played at one of the many Quayside bars in Singapore.
Why this name?
Do you play live?
Arun loves performing live and makes the effort at least once a week to reach out to the masses with his acoustic & rock performances.
How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?
For unsigned acts it is a gateway to Heaven
Would you sign a record contract with a major label?
Your influences?
Bruce Springsteen
Bob Dylan
Stuart Adamson (Big Country)
Favorite spot?
Perth - W. Australia - The most beautiful women on the planet
Anything else...?
All queries to my manager, Bob Fiddaman at
Seroxat Sufferer Exposed blogspot states that Fiddaman Parrot Cartoon were not created by the author of this blog. Further Fiddaman said he liked it.

For detailed information on the creation of the cartoons see -
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust UserWatch
Note also Fiddaman was given the opportunity for free speech see here -
Yet Fiddaman prefers to self sergregate himself in the role of victim.
The cartoons that Fiddaman draws attention to are still hosted by yahoo over on UKsurvivors see -
here -
here -
Seroxat Sufferer Exposed blogspot states that the list owner / moderator of UKsurvivors can be found here -
and that the author of Seroxat Sufferer Exposed blogspot is not & has not been involved in the running of UKsurvivors at anytime.
Is Fiddaman's reaction typical of the excessive narcissism displayed when he self segregated following the admonishment from Addleshaw Goddard?
Can Fiddaman not reflect upon the consequences of his own actions ?
ever the increasing self validated victim Fiddaman complains about UKsurvivors post 34966.
see post in full at -
Note that the post author is a person called Christopher Clarke & that yahoo are perfectly happy to continue hosting same.
Note that the post author is a person called Christopher Clarke & that yahoo are perfectly happy to continue hosting same.
Will Fiddaman reply to comments made at Birmingham User Watch - or will he continue to play at being a victim?
Fiddy said...
Email me and I will show you where you are wrong.
You can email me via my blog
8/25/2008 11:58 PM
The UserWatch team has seen quite a number of posts associated with your statements and some archived by others, and we are satisfied that no mention of human rape or serial human rape associated with a cartoon exists. You can always put your point here or and demonstrate it by emailing any one of us can't you ? ..
8/26/2008 7:46 AM
Fiddy said...
Email me and I will show you where you are wrong.
You can email me via my blog
8/25/2008 11:58 PM
The UserWatch team has seen quite a number of posts associated with your statements and some archived by others, and we are satisfied that no mention of human rape or serial human rape associated with a cartoon exists. You can always put your point here or and demonstrate it by emailing any one of us can't you ? ..
8/26/2008 7:46 AM
Fiddaman clearly states that he liked the parrot cartoon. See report at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust UserWatch.

Click on image to enlarge.
Fiddaman debate moves to "Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust UserWatch"
We have no idea what the rest of the scuffle is about but we want to ask Bob why he can reverse the sense of the truth in his posts so quickly about alleged parrot-rape ? . "I like it" in our book means "I like it" .....
We agree accusations of serial parrot rape are shocking and so terrible we too are heaving , but no they are not on par with human rape Bob, which unfortunately you've implied and for someone who can write as well you can, that has to be for effect doesn't it?
original answer here - note Fiddaman tried to impose rules on UKsurvivors a forum he only joined a day before. (rather controlling one could conclude)
Re: Hi everyone - Bob - I have a question for you .......
--- In, "tuesday1st" wrote:
> > No. I engineered it myself.
> >
> > Bob
> >
> Are you keeping to the 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub Thump' or are you
> going to do the decent thing and widen the issue to encompass ALL
> in the class ?
Answer my question first. Those were the rules.
Re: Hi everyone - Bob - I have a question for you .......
--- In, "tuesday1st"
> > No. I engineered it myself.
> >
> > Bob
> >
> Are you keeping to the 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub Thump' or are you
> going to do the decent thing and widen the issue to encompass ALL
> in the class ?
Answer my question first. Those were the rules.
well if Fiddaman is uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's - errrrr how does he know Seroxat is the worst ?
It is not my job to discuss SSRi's that I know nothing about.
I am uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's. I cannot be expected to have knowledge of all SSRi's, it's taken me 4 years to educate myself on Paroxetine.
I am uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's. I cannot be expected to have knowledge of all SSRi's, it's taken me 4 years to educate myself on Paroxetine.
a reply on the "single issue tub thump" but different to the one he gave on UKsurvivors
'Seroxat Tub Thump'
(Bob Fiddaman said)
I have researched Seroxat and no other SSRi. If you or any other person want to ask about any other SSRi then create a blog like I did instead of creating a blog about someone you are obsessed with. Maybe then, you may get your questions about other SSRi's answered.
I have been granted a meeting with the MHRA. I will be discussing the Seroxat withdrawal issue because that is what I write about. If you want to discuss anything with them why don't you ask for a meeting?
It is not my job to discuss SSRi's that I know nothing about.
I am uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's. I cannot be expected to have knowledge of all SSRi's, it's taken me 4 years to educate myself on Paroxetine.
Like, I said. If you or any other has a gripe with any other SSRi then create awareness, ask for meetings. If YOU have a problem with a particular SSRi then YOU must start banging the drum about it and not expect other people to do it for you.
(Bob Fiddaman said)
I have researched Seroxat and no other SSRi. If you or any other person want to ask about any other SSRi then create a blog like I did instead of creating a blog about someone you are obsessed with. Maybe then, you may get your questions about other SSRi's answered.
I have been granted a meeting with the MHRA. I will be discussing the Seroxat withdrawal issue because that is what I write about. If you want to discuss anything with them why don't you ask for a meeting?
It is not my job to discuss SSRi's that I know nothing about.
I am uneducated when it comes to other SSRi's. I cannot be expected to have knowledge of all SSRi's, it's taken me 4 years to educate myself on Paroxetine.
Like, I said. If you or any other has a gripe with any other SSRi then create awareness, ask for meetings. If YOU have a problem with a particular SSRi then YOU must start banging the drum about it and not expect other people to do it for you.
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
A second pertinent question for Bob Fiddaman on UKsurvivors.
(Tues said)
> No. I engineered it myself.
> Bob
Are you keeping to the 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub Thump' or are you
going to do the decent thing and widen the issue to encompass ALL drugs
in the class ?
> No. I engineered it myself.
> Bob
Are you keeping to the 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub Thump' or are you
going to do the decent thing and widen the issue to encompass ALL drugs
in the class ?
A pertinent question for Bob Fiddaman from UKsurvivors.
Re: Hi everyone - Bob - I have a question for you .......
(Tues said)
I understand you are lined up to take your 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub
Thump' to the MHRA have Mark Harvey of Hugh James Solicitors or
Goodrelations -- their PR company-- engineered this meeting?
(Bob said)
--- In, "tuesday1st" wrote:
> I understand you are lined up to take your 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub
> Thump' to the MHRA – have Mark Harvey of Hugh James Solicitors or
> Goodrelations -- their PR company-- engineered this meeting?
> Tues
No. I engineered it myself.
(Tues said)
I understand you are lined up to take your 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub
Thump' to the MHRA have Mark Harvey of Hugh James Solicitors or
Goodrelations -- their PR company-- engineered this meeting?
(Bob said)
--- In, "tuesday1st"
> I understand you are lined up to take your 'Single Issue Seroxat Tub
> Thump' to the MHRA – have Mark Harvey of Hugh James Solicitors or
> Goodrelations -- their PR company-- engineered this meeting?
> Tues
No. I engineered it myself.
Don't like "address on the net" speak to John Watkins you know- the person who leaks data protected information to you.
Serox O'prat Fiddaman posted his own name & address on his own blog Sunday, April 09, 2006
Amazingly if you google the words 'Fiddaman' and 'MHRA' then scroll down the page to:
[PDF] Mr Charles Medawar
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Mr Robert Fiddaman. 26 Gorsly Piece. Quinton. Birmingham. B32 1SF. MHRA Reference: FOI 06/011. 23 February 2006. Dear Mr Fiddaman es-foi/documents/foidisclosure/con2023334.pdf - Similar pages
Quite why Charles Medawar's name appears is a mystery - an even bigger mystery is that this is a file available for download on the MHRA website.
The file in question is a letter they sent to my home address with answers to questions I put to them earlier this year.They will have you believe that my name and address have been deleted from the file but if you download the file here: then simply open it and cut and paste the contents into microsoft word - HEY PRESTO! My name and address appears on top of the letter.
This was apparently a confidential letter sent from the MHRA, who remember, strictly adhere the the 'Civil Service Code' and act with integrity, impartiality and honesty.
Not only are they violating my rights, the answers
Amazingly if you google the words 'Fiddaman' and 'MHRA' then scroll down the page to:
[PDF] Mr Charles Medawar
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Mr Robert Fiddaman. 26 Gorsly Piece. Quinton. Birmingham. B32 1SF. MHRA Reference: FOI 06/011. 23 February 2006. Dear Mr Fiddaman es-foi/documents/foidisclosure/con2023334.pdf - Similar pages
Quite why Charles Medawar's name appears is a mystery - an even bigger mystery is that this is a file available for download on the MHRA website.
The file in question is a letter they sent to my home address with answers to questions I put to them earlier this year.They will have you believe that my name and address have been deleted from the file but if you download the file here: then simply open it and cut and paste the contents into microsoft word - HEY PRESTO! My name and address appears on top of the letter.
This was apparently a confidential letter sent from the MHRA, who remember, strictly adhere the the 'Civil Service Code' and act with integrity, impartiality and honesty.
Not only are they violating my rights, the answers
Fiddaman's self invited parody still hosted on Yahoo message 34978
Fiddaman liked it thus inviting further Par Ody

South Yardley Parrot Protest Begins
--- In, "Bob"
> I like it.
I am glad you like it Bob but the Hybrid Parrots - the shocking product of rampant date rape and piracy - have found their squawk - and in South Yardley the protests have begun .... The truth is out there as this photo of a battered South Yardley parrot attests...
post 34977 where the cartoonist locks in Bob's post & notes that Bob liked it
see UKsurvivors post 34977 where the cartoonist locks in Bob's post & notes that Bob liked it
Re: South Yardley Tatooed Parrots Fiddeman Scam Exposed ,,
--- In, "Bob" wrote:
> I like it.
Re: South Yardley Tatooed Parrots Fiddeman Scam Exposed ,,
--- In, "Bob"
> I like it.
Fiddaman was perfectly happy with the parody of him on UKsurvivors which yahoo are quite happy to continue hosting.

Complaints are coming in that drugged parrots in South Yardley have against their will been tattooed by a bandana-ed man known as Pirate Bob ...
"Pucy Green" one of the parrots said :
"Bob gave us all drink and when we woke up Bob had tatooed our bibs - we think he took advantage of us for self promotion and some of us are having our anuses checked too because we think date rape drugs were used on us "
"Yellow Feather" said :
"I have been itching badly at my rear end and I vaguely recall Bob screaming orgasmically :
"I am having some COCK-in-too"
"He told us he was seeking to create worldwide Parroty but now we have Bob's Bibs and aching anuses ..."
The RSPCA commented : " Parrots should not be tatooed or date raped"
Police in South Yardley have gone to Shard End Pool where there is said to be an small island chain and secret drugs hideout.
They have issued a warning to all parrots in the Bham area:
"If you get Bibbed by Bob you might get Knobbed too - report it to us ".
Bob the victim might pull post 34932 - now hosted @ 35061
Bob the victim might pull post 34932 so in order to showed that Fiddaman was quite happy withthe original it has been reposted at 35061
South Yardley Tatooed Parrots Fiddeman Scam Exposed ,,
South Yardley Tatooed Parrots Fiddeman Scam Exposed ,, Message List
Reply | Forward Message #34932 of 35060 < Prev | Next >
Re: South Yardley Tatooed Parrots Fiddeman Scam Exposed ,,
I like it.
Reply | Forward Message #34932 of 35060 < Prev | Next >
Re: South Yardley Tatooed Parrots Fiddeman Scam Exposed ,,
I like it.
The infamous Par ody that Fiddaman said he liked on UKsurvivors

A strange tale occurs lately on the UKSurvivors forum - the home of the marginalised in UK Mental Health survivory. We had a look at various posts after a blogger named Bob claimed he was accused of being a serial rapist accompanied by a cartoon. We suspected Kakatoo the UserWatch cartoonist of being involved - especially as parrots are involved ...
"One of his members saw fit to add an image of my
face to a cartoon and label me a serial rapist!" BOB SAYS HERE
So we had a look at the cartoon and the text HERE on a yahoo post :
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
New Street station or your neck of the woods - either way I ain't bothered - I'd even sacrifice part of my disability benefit to pay for the train
New Street station or your neck of the woods - either way I ain't bothered - I'd even sacrifice part of my disability benefit to pay for the train fare..!
Fiddaman called a benefit cheat over on yup Fiddaman reacts with predictable violent threats.
NEW: Tom Hunter - Monday, 26 May 2008, at 8:49 pm
"Britain is supposedly a Christian country, I believe we have never been a Christian country in anything but name!"
Wayne, Britain is one of the most Christian countries in the world. It offers safe haven status to refugees from all corners of the world and it is one of the prime givers to humanitarian projects universally. Think of all the migrants who try to smuggle themselves into this country every year... Now I wonder why that might be????
Part of the Christian philosophy is caring for the needy and sick... think of the unique NHS system, free to all-comers at the point of entry. In fact this Christian outlook gets abused... think of the free-loaders, able-bodied but lazy and gutless people who pretend to be sick and get themselves on sickness benefits so that they can absolve themselves of making a positive contribution to society ( paying taxes to support the elderly and really ill people) and it's usually those shirkers who are the most vociferous in their condemnation of their charitable country, I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
NEW: Bob Fiddaman - Monday, 26 May 2008, at 10:55 pm
I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
Hunter you are one hell of a cunt. I would seriously love to meet you.
OK - Ban me IG - This prick is such a complete and utter wanker and stuck right up his own arse it is untrue.
He bullies women on here then thinks he can get away with personal jibes at me.
Come on Tom - Meet me
New Street station or your neck of the woods - either way I ain't bothered - I'd even sacrifice part of my disability benefit to pay for the train fare.
You utter cunt!
"Britain is supposedly a Christian country, I believe we have never been a Christian country in anything but name!"
Wayne, Britain is one of the most Christian countries in the world. It offers safe haven status to refugees from all corners of the world and it is one of the prime givers to humanitarian projects universally. Think of all the migrants who try to smuggle themselves into this country every year... Now I wonder why that might be????
Part of the Christian philosophy is caring for the needy and sick... think of the unique NHS system, free to all-comers at the point of entry. In fact this Christian outlook gets abused... think of the free-loaders, able-bodied but lazy and gutless people who pretend to be sick and get themselves on sickness benefits so that they can absolve themselves of making a positive contribution to society ( paying taxes to support the elderly and really ill people) and it's usually those shirkers who are the most vociferous in their condemnation of their charitable country, I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
NEW: Bob Fiddaman - Monday, 26 May 2008, at 10:55 pm
I can even think of one person who has spent years on benefits but whose only thanks is to wish he was in Australia!!!
Hunter you are one hell of a cunt. I would seriously love to meet you.
OK - Ban me IG - This prick is such a complete and utter wanker and stuck right up his own arse it is untrue.
He bullies women on here then thinks he can get away with personal jibes at me.
Come on Tom - Meet me
New Street station or your neck of the woods - either way I ain't bothered - I'd even sacrifice part of my disability benefit to pay for the train fare.
You utter cunt!
Snivelling shits .........hide behind their clients !
From: Mark Harvey
Date: 26/08/2008 10:37:44
To: Cc: sarah richards
Subject: Seroxat
NOT FOR PUBLICATION I think we have been over matters enough times over the years. I consider anyone who spends time attacking me, my firm or my clients is simply assisting my clients’ opponent in the litigation, the manufacturer. Why you continue to do that beats me.
I don’t propose to correspond further on this as it is not in my clients’ interests to do so.
Mark Harvey
Date: 26/08/2008 10:37:44
To: Cc: sarah richards
Subject: Seroxat
NOT FOR PUBLICATION I think we have been over matters enough times over the years. I consider anyone who spends time attacking me, my firm or my clients is simply assisting my clients’ opponent in the litigation, the manufacturer. Why you continue to do that beats me.
I don’t propose to correspond further on this as it is not in my clients’ interests to do so.
Mark Harvey
Not so keen on that idea then Mark ........................I wonder what the Law Society would make of your conduct.
Sent: 26 August 2008 10:23
To: Mark Harvey
Cc: sarah richards
Subject: Fw: RE: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
Not so keen on that idea then Mark ........................I wonder what the Law Society would make of your conduc ?
To: Mark Harvey
Cc: sarah richards
Subject: Fw: RE: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
Not so keen on that idea then Mark ........................I wonder what the Law Society would make of your conduc ?
I trust that as an officer of the court you take proper note of the activities of your client ?
Date: 26/08/2008 09:00:36
To: Mark Harvey
Subject: RE: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
Dear Mark
I trust that as an officer of the court you take proper note of the activities of your client.
To: Mark Harvey
Subject: RE: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
Dear Mark
I trust that as an officer of the court you take proper note of the activities of your client.
Mark Harvey replies !
From: Mark Harvey
Date: 26/08/2008 08:51:15
Subject: RE: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
As I have said before, personal attacks are unwarranted and unproductive. Given your recent distress when you considered you were the target of one I am surprised and disappointed you should have wasted so much effort on this. Why not put your efforts into attacking the pharmaceutical industry and helping victims, not their supporters whatever personal enmity you have between you?
Date: 26/08/2008 08:51:15
Subject: RE: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
As I have said before, personal attacks are unwarranted and unproductive. Given your recent distress when you considered you were the target of one I am surprised and disappointed you should have wasted so much effort on this. Why not put your efforts into attacking the pharmaceutical industry and helping victims, not their supporters whatever personal enmity you have between you?
A little Catholic moment for Mark who says he's not a scientologist .....which is more than can be said about his mates !
Mark Harvey of Hugh James alerted to new Fiddaman Blog. will he respond?
To: Mark Harvey
Subject: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
Subject: New Fiddaman Blog " SEROXAT SUFFERER EXPOSED "
SEROXAT SUFFERERS - STAND UP AND BE COUNTED: MHRA WEBSITEFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Mr Robert Fiddaman. 26 Gorsly Piece. Quinton. Birmingham. B32 1SF. MHRA Reference: FOI 06/011. ... - 147k - Cached
source - - 147k - Cached
source -
Fiddaman objected when Government Depts give out his private info ?
Fiddaman objected when Government Depts give out his private info ?
Amazingly if you google the words 'Fiddaman' and 'MHRA' then scroll down the page to:
[PDF] Mr Charles Medawar
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
- View as HTML
Mr Robert Fiddaman. 26 Gorsly Piece. Quinton. Birmingham. B321SF
MHRA Reference: FOI 06/011. 23 February 2006. Dear Mr Fiddaman es-foi/documents/foidisclosure/con2023334.pdf - Similar pages
Quite why Charles Medawar's name appears is a mystery - an even bigger mystery is that this is a file available for download on the MHRA website.
The file in question is a letter they sent to my home address with answers to questions I put to them earlier this year.
They will have you believe that my name and address have been deleted from the file but if you download the file here: then simply open it and cut and paste the contents into Microsoft word - HEY PRESTO! My name and address appears on top of the letter.
This was apparently a confidential letter sent from the MHRA, who remember, strictly adhere the the 'Civil Service Code' and act with integrity, impartiality and honesty.
Not only are they violating my rights, the answers to all three questions (below) do not fit in with Dr Breggin's recent findings, see here:
I have removed my address - but if you do as instructed (above) you will see how the MHRA have made yet another balls up in their filing system.
This ladies & gentlemen are the body of people who regulate the drugs we take!!
Mr Robert Fiddaman
MHRA Reference: FOI 06/011
23 February 2006
Dear Mr Fiddaman
I am writing to you further to your recent correspondence with your MP Gisela Stuart. Ms Stuart has in turn written to Jacqueline Kennedy who has asked that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency respond to your questions under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.
Please find below our responses to the questions that you asked relating to paroxetine (Seroxat):
1. How many suicides/suicidal acts coded under the heading of placebo occurred within a 30 day period rather than simply post treatment and how many occurred after 30 days?
In the adult-placebo-controlled trials for paroxetine there were a total of four completed suicides: one in the paroxetine group (on therapy) and three in the placebo group (all in the post-treatment period)
In the first case the patient had made a suicide attempt during the study and a further attempt 14 days after last dose of medication. They committed suicide 33 days after the last dose of study medication.
In the second case the patient committed suicide 17 days after their study medication was stopped. They had received ECT therapy 3 days earlier.
In the third case the patient committed suicide 19 days after their study medication was stopped.
2. How many did involve subjects put on another antidepressant and how many did not involve subjects put on nother antidepressants?
From the case narratives reviewed it does not appear that any of the individuals in these three placebo suicides were receiving an antidepressant drug around the time they died. In one of the cases the individual had received a course of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 3 days prior to the date that they committed suicide.
3. How many cases did the company not now because they had lost contact with the patient?
There is a requirement for all clinical trials to be conducted in accordance with the internationally recognised principles of good clinical practice (GCP), which helps ensure that all trials are conducted to the appropriate high standard and that risks to patients and healthy volunteers are minimised. It is recognised that in any trial a certain percentage of patients will be lost to follow-up, I.e. Fail to return for a scheduled follow up visit and never return for further evaluation. Often despite repeated attempts by the investigators to contact them it is not possible to obtain information on what happens to these patients. Therefore, it is not possible for us to provide information on the number of these patients lost to follow-up who may have committed suicides or made suicide attempts.
If you have a query about this letter, please contact me. If you are unhappy with our decision, you may ask for it to be reviewed. That review will be undertaken by a senior member of the Agency who has not previously been involved in your request. If you wish to pursue that option please write to the Communications Directorate, 10th Floor, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, at the above address quoting reference. After that, if you remain dissatisfied, you may ask the Information Commissioner at
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
to make a decision on whether or not we have interpreted the FOIA correctly.
Yours sincerely
Dr Julie Williams
Therapeutic Team Leader
Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Unit
Post Licensing Division
Cc Ms Sarah Wark MHRA/PL
Posted by Fiddy at 8:21 PM
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Amazingly if you google the words 'Fiddaman' and 'MHRA' then scroll down the page to:
[PDF] Mr Charles Medawar
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
- View as HTML
Mr Robert Fiddaman. 26 Gorsly Piece. Quinton. Birmingham. B321SF
MHRA Reference: FOI 06/011. 23 February 2006. Dear Mr Fiddaman es-foi/documents/foidisclosure/con2023334.pdf - Similar pages
Quite why Charles Medawar's name appears is a mystery - an even bigger mystery is that this is a file available for download on the MHRA website.
The file in question is a letter they sent to my home address with answers to questions I put to them earlier this year.
They will have you believe that my name and address have been deleted from the file but if you download the file here: then simply open it and cut and paste the contents into Microsoft word - HEY PRESTO! My name and address appears on top of the letter.
This was apparently a confidential letter sent from the MHRA, who remember, strictly adhere the the 'Civil Service Code' and act with integrity, impartiality and honesty.
Not only are they violating my rights, the answers to all three questions (below) do not fit in with Dr Breggin's recent findings, see here:
I have removed my address - but if you do as instructed (above) you will see how the MHRA have made yet another balls up in their filing system.
This ladies & gentlemen are the body of people who regulate the drugs we take!!
Mr Robert Fiddaman
MHRA Reference: FOI 06/011
23 February 2006
Dear Mr Fiddaman
I am writing to you further to your recent correspondence with your MP Gisela Stuart. Ms Stuart has in turn written to Jacqueline Kennedy who has asked that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency respond to your questions under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.
Please find below our responses to the questions that you asked relating to paroxetine (Seroxat):
1. How many suicides/suicidal acts coded under the heading of placebo occurred within a 30 day period rather than simply post treatment and how many occurred after 30 days?
In the adult-placebo-controlled trials for paroxetine there were a total of four completed suicides: one in the paroxetine group (on therapy) and three in the placebo group (all in the post-treatment period)
In the first case the patient had made a suicide attempt during the study and a further attempt 14 days after last dose of medication. They committed suicide 33 days after the last dose of study medication.
In the second case the patient committed suicide 17 days after their study medication was stopped. They had received ECT therapy 3 days earlier.
In the third case the patient committed suicide 19 days after their study medication was stopped.
2. How many did involve subjects put on another antidepressant and how many did not involve subjects put on nother antidepressants?
From the case narratives reviewed it does not appear that any of the individuals in these three placebo suicides were receiving an antidepressant drug around the time they died. In one of the cases the individual had received a course of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 3 days prior to the date that they committed suicide.
3. How many cases did the company not now because they had lost contact with the patient?
There is a requirement for all clinical trials to be conducted in accordance with the internationally recognised principles of good clinical practice (GCP), which helps ensure that all trials are conducted to the appropriate high standard and that risks to patients and healthy volunteers are minimised. It is recognised that in any trial a certain percentage of patients will be lost to follow-up, I.e. Fail to return for a scheduled follow up visit and never return for further evaluation. Often despite repeated attempts by the investigators to contact them it is not possible to obtain information on what happens to these patients. Therefore, it is not possible for us to provide information on the number of these patients lost to follow-up who may have committed suicides or made suicide attempts.
If you have a query about this letter, please contact me. If you are unhappy with our decision, you may ask for it to be reviewed. That review will be undertaken by a senior member of the Agency who has not previously been involved in your request. If you wish to pursue that option please write to the Communications Directorate, 10th Floor, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, at the above address quoting reference. After that, if you remain dissatisfied, you may ask the Information Commissioner at
The Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
to make a decision on whether or not we have interpreted the FOIA correctly.
Yours sincerely
Dr Julie Williams
Therapeutic Team Leader
Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Unit
Post Licensing Division
Cc Ms Sarah Wark MHRA/PL
Posted by Fiddy at 8:21 PM
Labels: Data Protection
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Strange tale of Bob Fiddaman reported on USER WATCH
Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust UserWatch
An Independent Occasionally Very Satired (And Even Wicked Yes Wicked) View Of Mental Health NHS Issues As Well As Those Further Afield
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mental Health : The Strange Tale Of Scuffles And Pirates
Of Parrots And Pirates
A strange tale occurs lately on the UKSurvivors forum - the home of the marginalised in UK Mental Health survivory. We had a look at various posts after a blogger named Bob claimed he was accused of being a serial rapist accompanied by a cartoon. We suspected Kakatoo the UserWatch cartoonist of being involved - especially as parrots are involved ...
"One of his members saw fit to add an image of my
face to a cartoon and label me a serial rapist!" BOB SAYS HERE
So we had a look at the cartoon and the text HERE on a yahoo post :
The cartoon :
The Text :
"Complaints are coming in that drugged parrots in South Yardley have against their will been tattooed by a bandana-ed man known as Pirate Bob ...
"Pucy Green" one of the parrots said :
"Bob gave us all drink and when we woke up Bob had tatooed our bibs - we think he took advantage of us for self promotion and some of us are having our anuses checked too because we think date rape drugs were used on us "
"Yellow Feather" said :
"I have been itching badly at my rear end and I vaguely recall Bob screaming orgasmically :
"I am having some COCK-in-too"
"He told us he was seeking to create worldwide Parroty but now we have Bob's Bibs and aching anuses ..."
The RSPCA commented : " Parrots should not be tatooed or date raped"
Police in South Yardley have gone to Shard End Pool where there is said to be an small island chain and secret drugs hideout.
They have issued a warning to all parrots in the Bham area:
"If you get Bibbed by Bob you might get Knobbed too - report it to us ".
Bob wrote in a subsequent post : "I LIKE IT
We have no idea what the rest of the scuffle is about but we want to ask Bob why he can reverse the sense of the truth in his posts so quickly about alleged parrot-rape ? . "I like it" in our book means "I like it" .....
We agree accusations of serial parrot rape are shocking and so terrible we too are heaving , but no they are not on par with human rape Bob, which unfortunately you've implied and for someone who can write as well you can, that has to be for effect doesn't it?
Posted by PatientGuard at 8:29 PM
Labels: Bob Fiddeman Strange Tales Parrots Mental Health Drugs Campaigns
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An Independent Occasionally Very Satired (And Even Wicked Yes Wicked) View Of Mental Health NHS Issues As Well As Those Further Afield
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mental Health : The Strange Tale Of Scuffles And Pirates
Of Parrots And Pirates
A strange tale occurs lately on the UKSurvivors forum - the home of the marginalised in UK Mental Health survivory. We had a look at various posts after a blogger named Bob claimed he was accused of being a serial rapist accompanied by a cartoon. We suspected Kakatoo the UserWatch cartoonist of being involved - especially as parrots are involved ...
"One of his members saw fit to add an image of my
face to a cartoon and label me a serial rapist!" BOB SAYS HERE
So we had a look at the cartoon and the text HERE on a yahoo post :
The cartoon :
The Text :
"Complaints are coming in that drugged parrots in South Yardley have against their will been tattooed by a bandana-ed man known as Pirate Bob ...
"Pucy Green" one of the parrots said :
"Bob gave us all drink and when we woke up Bob had tatooed our bibs - we think he took advantage of us for self promotion and some of us are having our anuses checked too because we think date rape drugs were used on us "
"Yellow Feather" said :
"I have been itching badly at my rear end and I vaguely recall Bob screaming orgasmically :
"I am having some COCK-in-too"
"He told us he was seeking to create worldwide Parroty but now we have Bob's Bibs and aching anuses ..."
The RSPCA commented : " Parrots should not be tatooed or date raped"
Police in South Yardley have gone to Shard End Pool where there is said to be an small island chain and secret drugs hideout.
They have issued a warning to all parrots in the Bham area:
"If you get Bibbed by Bob you might get Knobbed too - report it to us ".
Bob wrote in a subsequent post : "I LIKE IT
We have no idea what the rest of the scuffle is about but we want to ask Bob why he can reverse the sense of the truth in his posts so quickly about alleged parrot-rape ? . "I like it" in our book means "I like it" .....
We agree accusations of serial parrot rape are shocking and so terrible we too are heaving , but no they are not on par with human rape Bob, which unfortunately you've implied and for someone who can write as well you can, that has to be for effect doesn't it?
Posted by PatientGuard at 8:29 PM
Labels: Bob Fiddeman Strange Tales Parrots Mental Health Drugs Campaigns
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Monday, 25 August 2008
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