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Wednesday 15 December 2010

Fiddaman - We have heard it all before - the evidence is clear

Gurli Bagnall, Patients' Rights Campaigner

We have heard it all before. The anger at “trials by the media”, the outrage at those who question the integrity of the medical profession, and the staunch denial that certain widely prescribed drugs cause serious adverse reactions.

It is the story of the benzodiazepines (BZDs) all over again. Even as the experts claimed they were harmless, they destroyed the lives of literally millions of people. The victims were not impressed with the blatant dishonesty then, and such behaviour will not

More...We have heard it all before. The anger at “trials by the media”, the outrage at those who question the integrity of the medical profession, and the staunch denial that certain widely prescribed drugs cause serious adverse reactions.

It is the story of the benzodiazepines (BZDs) all over again. Even as the experts claimed they were harmless, they destroyed the lives of literally millions of people. The victims were not impressed with the blatant dishonesty then, and such behaviour will not appease the anger of the victims of SSRI antidepressants now.

The headlines “Doctoring the evidence” (18/01/98) (1) and “The big tranquilliser cover-up” (June 2001) (2) explain why people with conflicts of interests should not be on the panel appointed to consider the dangers of SSRI antidepressants. To further illustrate the point, here are a few more randomly chosen headlines.

22/07/01 - “Babies suffer withdrawal symptoms similar to a drug addict’s cold turkey.” [refers to BZDs] (3)

11/02/92 - “A public well and truly hooked.” [refers to BZDs] (4)

12/03/94 - “Memo suggests Upjohn concealed Halcion side effect.” (5)

02/01/94 - “$1.8b Halcion lawsuit filed.” (1)

21/09/95 - “Drug firms frenzy to feed growing habit.” (6)

29/11/95 - “Doctors dished them out like sweets until, like opium, they got the masses hooked.” (7)

31/10/97 - “Coroner calls for controls on prescribing Prozac.” (8)

20/01/98 - “Prozac use up 144% since 1996.” (8)

11/06/98 - “Health consultant claims some doctors [are] ‘pushers’.” (8)

13/02/99 - “European court upholds UK ban on Halcion.” (5)

28/11/99 - “Judge’s addiction nightmare.” [Refers to ativan.] (9)

29/04/01 - “World health watchdog warns of addiction risk for Prozac users.” (7)

13/05/01 - “Tranquillisers are linked to brain damage.” (3)

21/05/01 -“Rogue doctors worse than backstreet drug dealers.” [Refers to benzodiazepines.] (10)


1.Sunday Star-Times

2. What Doctors Don’t Tell You

3. Sunday Express

4. The Daily Telegraph

5. BMJ

6. New Zealand Herald

7. The Independent

8. Otago Daily Times

9. Sunday Times

10. Irish Examiner

Competing interests: None declared

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Submit rapid responsePublished 22 March 2003

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