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Friday 10 September 2010

Evelyn Pringle professional journalist FORGETS to inform that Doyle Mills is a Scientologist


Medical experts warn that prescribing drugs to children that have been approved only for adults, is extremely dangerous because the correct dosage has not been established for their weight and developing body organs. According to patient rights activist, Doyle Mills, psychiatry is turning into Russian Roulette. "There is no known safe dose," he says, "for any of these psychiatric drugs in young children."

"They are never tested in the under-five population," Mr Mills says, "yet children can be given these drugs legally."

California Attorney, Ted Chabasinski, who handles cases involving patient rights and exposing the off-label marketing of psychiatric drugs, says, "the drug companies, and their subsidiary, the American psychiatric profession, push drugs for children that have never been shown to be beneficial, but clearly are dangerous and have many life-threatening effects."

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