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Saturday 13 June 2009

Seroxat - MHRA spent up to 30 person years on GSK non prosecution - thus had no time to regulate other Psychiatric drugs

The MHRA has, to date, spent between 14 and 30 person years (maybe £1m of drug industry funding) in not deciding to prosecute GlaxoSmithKline, since its investigation began in October 2003. Last month the Agency told Panorama, "that the investigation has been given substantial additional resources and remains a high priority" - but their latest communication on the subject suggests anything but: that 'high priority' stuff seems to be a media sop, a trip off some tongue in the Agency's "Communication Division". Do read this mail, if only to savour the tone: the MHRA rounds off a spluttering (spitting?) blast of disinformation with, "I hope this is helpful". Whatever your party, you might well wonder if the end of credible government is nigh.

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