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Thursday 8 April 2010

Skunk, LSD, Ecstasy & me by Fiddaman's publisher Jason Pegler

uksurvivors : Message: Skunk, LSD, Ecstasy & me by Fiddaman's publisher Jason Pegler

I liked getting stoned immediately.

It made me feel relaxed and amusing, and as though nothing could trouble me.

I also thought smoking cannabis was cool.

Along with my friends, I began to smoke more and more regularly, and by the time I was 15, I was smoking cannabis every day.

And at the weekends, I'd indulge in its stronger sister, skunk.

It gave me such a rush, and I loved the buzz.

The more cannabis I smoked, the cooler I felt I was.

My parents had no idea at all what was going on, and would have been horrified had they known.

Despite being half-comatose a lot of the time, I was able to function pretty much normally at school and around the dinner table, and keep my habit a secret.

By the time I was 16, I had progressed to taking other drugs as well, including LSD and Ecstasy at the weekends.

But cannabis was my favourite drug.

No matter what, I'd start and end the evening with a spliff.

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